Chapter 25

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This is a longer chapter than normal, hope you enjoy


Lisa sat in the passenger seat of Jennie's pt cruiser, the raven girl was surprised when Jennie had pulled up in front of her apartment complex in something other than a ₩200,000,000 car

Lisa stared at the window as Jennie drove, she didn't know where to brunette was taking her, Lisa never said a place, after all, so she sat and enjoyed the view of the stars as they passed by house after house

The car was filled with silence, Lisa pissed with the brunette and not even wanting to be talking to the shorter girl in the first place, and Jennie not knowing what to say

Finally, after what felt like forever to Lisa, Jenne stopped the car in front of a small flower garden, it was mostly daisies and roses, with a big water fountain in the center of the garden


As Lisa walked with Jennie to who knows where, the raven girl realized she should have come on her own, just in case she didn't like what the brunette had to say, but she dismissed the thought and replaced it with

If I don't like what she has to say I'll walk home

And while Lisa didn't know where she was, or how far from home she was, and it was dark but didn't care


Lisa was brought out of her thoughts by a small voice that spoke in front of her, soon realizing it was Jennie and what the brunette had said Lisa did just that, taking a seat on a bench near the water fountain

Not many people were around, probably due to the fact it was past 8:30 and the only light provided was that from the street lamps and the water fountain

"Be quick," Lisa stated coldly, crossing her legs, right over left, "I'm giving you five minutes," Was Lisa being cold? Yes, but why wouldn't she? This was the girl that Lisa had given her heart and friendship too, and what did Jennie do in return? Stomp on the heart and tour the trust Lisa had given her into a thousand pieces. So yes, Lisa was going to be cold towards the older girl

But instead of talking, Jenne looked at the night sky, a soft smile forming her lips. Lisa watched her with a raised brow, pushing aside the feeling in her chest as she gazed upon the brunette's face and the soft glow the lights had caused

"I want you to know that I'm sorry," Jennie began, she took a deep breath and released it into the cold air, "I know no words or actions can take back or reverse the hurt and pain I have caused you," Jennie's heart hurt at the mere thought of what she had done to the raven girl beside her

"I know my words can not mend the wounds I have caused, and-," Jennie took in a sharp breath before continuing, "And I know you may never forgive me and go on hating me for the rest of eternity,"

Hate her? Lisa could never hate her, yeah she was extremely made and hurt with what the brunette did but Lisa could never find it in her heart to the smaller girl, no matter how hard she tried

"But I want you to know my true feelings for you before we take our separate paths,"

True feelings?

Lisa's heart picked up in pace at the thought of what the brunette would say next

"The reason I had ignored you for a month was because I was scared,"

Scared? What right does she have for being scared? At the time she didn't know she was gay!

"I was scared of what the world would say, what my parents would say, knowing another girl likes me and I choose to stay friends with them, so I did what I always do," Jennie took another breath, "I panicked and ran, but running didn't help, running away only made it hurt," Jennie could feel tears come forward, "After some time had passed I started missing you, I realized how much you actually meant to me and how much I wanted you around," Jennie's tears slipped, falling down her cheeks and chin, dripping onto her hand that rest on her lap

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