Chapter 17

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The next morning was great, well aside from the silence from Jennie. She hadn't uttered a word since she woke up and everyone was concerned

Everyone kept giving her glances while they ate pancakes, made by Irene like a true mother. The brunette seemed to be deep in thought and the others had no idea why

"Pst, what's wrong with her?" Seulgi whispered to Rosé, hoping the best friend of the girl would know what was wrong

Rosé only shrugged, "I know just as much as you, so nothing,"

Everyone continued eating and talking, once they finished everyone helped clean the kitchen up then proceeded to return to the living room

The group started talking the Spring Dance that was in a matter of months

"Have you found a date yet, Lisa?" Seulgi teased glancing at the brunette that sat next to the blonde; the two took the same seat as they did last night

Lisa shook her head, "I don't have anyone to ask,"

"I bet there are tons of girls lining up to ask you to prom," Jisoo commented wiggling her eyebrows

"I mean, you aren't wrong," Lisa trailed off, "There's been a handful of girls, and some guys, asking me, I've turned them all down though," Lisa continued, mumbling the 'some guys' part

"Awe, now you're going to end up going to the dance alone," Seulgi pouted, but there was a glint of mischief in her eyes, "What about you, Jennie? Found anyone to go to the dance with?"

"Hm?" Jennie was pulled out of thoughts, "Sorry, I didn't hear what you said,"

"Do you have someone taking you to the Spring Dance?" Seulgi repeated herself

"I don't know yet," Jennie gave a short answer

"We all know who you guys are going with," Lisa said

Seulgi wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's waist, "I'm going with my baby," She then kissed Irene on the cheek

"And I'm going with Rosé," Jisoo cheered

"Oh? I thought you said you were going with Tzuyu?" Lisa commented, Jisoo never said that she just wanted to mess around with the other

"You what!?" Rosé yelled standing up from the couch, "Are you cheating on me Kim?" the redhead asked sternly shooting a glare at her girlfriend

"No! Of course not baby," Jisoo glared at Lisa, "Tell her you're joking,"

Lisa burst into a fit laugher, "That's payback for all the teasing," Once the blonde calmed down she apologized to Rosé, "I'm sorry Rosie, Jisoo's been teasing me non stop about my dating life so I had to get her back,"

After the explanation, she sat back down, "Completly understandable," She gave Jisoo her puppy eyes, "So you really aren't wanting to go with Tzuyu?"

"Of course not baby," She kissed her girlfriend on the lips

"And I think it's time for me to go," Jennie stood up, "Lisa, you need a ride home?"

"Yes please,"

Jisoo started laughing, "You guys have fun," She then pulled out her phone and started texting someone, soon Lisa's phone buzzed

Turtle Rabbit: no funny business

Jisoo started laughing historically at Lisa's blushing face

The pair bid their goodbye and left Jisoo's house. The ride home was silent, the only sound being the music playing softly through the car

Soon Jennie stopped in front of Lisa's apartment complex

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