T H I R T Y - F I V E

Start from the beginning

"Also," he drawls, "I've never heard you curse before. It's kind of hot."

My breath stalls as I look up into his silver eyes. His pupils begin to dilate the longer he stares at me. His grip on my hips tightens infinitesimally. It almost seems like he's afraid to hold me too tight, yet he can't let me go. I can only imagine how he must be feeling right now. He's a man who has found his soul-mate. He probably wants to move faster than I'm ready for, yet he's been so patient and understanding with me.

His lust is battling with his common sense- the fact that I just woke up after having slept for two and a half days because of a warlock's spell intended to kill me. I make the decision for him when I stand on my tip-toes and bring my lips only centimeters away from his.

"I'm human, not glass. You won't break me." The words come out in a low, seductive voice that I didn't even know I possess. As I whisper the words, my lips lightly touch his. He loses his patience and smashes his lips to mine. The kiss is hot and passionate, and it's exactly what I need right now. I forget my hunger for food and feel a deep hunger for something else- something new.

His hands don't remain on my hips- they move to my back as he sensually rubs my body. As his tongue enters my mouth, his hands travel down to my butt and he squeezes it. I gasp, allowing his tongue to delve deeper into my mouth. I lightly suck on his tongue, causing a throaty growl to release from him. I throw caution to the wind and let my body do the talking. His groans only raise my confidence, so I decide to take it one step further.

I place my hands on his abdomen- right at the bottom of his 8-pack - and I lightly use my nails to scratch up his chest as we continue making out. My hands finally make it to his shoulders, so I place my hands around his neck to pull him even closer to me- if that were possible.

Before I know it, we're on the other side of the room and I'm straddling Grayson as he sits on his bed. We've never taken things this far, but I'm not in the right headspace to tell him to stop- I don't want him to.

His hands remain on my butt as he pulls my body closer to him so there isn't an inch of space left. Since there's no space, I feel all of him- all of him. His member is hard against me, and I pull away from the kiss as my inexperience gets the best of me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I know this feels good to me, but Grayson is way more experienced than me. What if he isn't enjoying what we're doing? What if he wants to have sex now? I don't think I'm ready for that quite yet, but I'm really enjoying what we're doing now.

Grayson uses his thumb to pull my bottom lip out from in between my teeth. I didn't even realize I was biting my lip- nervous habit, I guess.

"What's wrong, baby? Talk to me." His concern and gentleness baffles me. How did I get so lucky? I merely shake my head and look down at the ground. I can't believe I'm ruining the moment by being insecure and shy! Ugh, I'm so stupid!

"Thea, look at me." The command in his voice is gentle but there. I look up at him as he holds my cheek in his palm. "Are you okay? We can stop at anytime. I thought you wanted-"

"I do!" I blurt out a little louder than I intended to. He chuckles and gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

"So what happened? Did I do something wrong?" I can't believe he's asking me if he did something wrong! I don't think he could do anything wrong in that department if he tried! He's a literal God and I'm just an average human girl.

"You didn't do anything wrong. The opposite, in fact. I just don't... I've never... And you..." I can't even get a coherent thought across. I'm so flustered, especially since our position hasn't changed. I still feel him hard underneath me which is doing strange things to me.

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