Intro ♥

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Hey, so I just wanna remind to the FEW ppl who will read this that I strongly advise that if you are planning to lose /gain weight, to do it a healthy way that is sustainable.
And I second that... so that's what I will do.
There will be no fad diets because I don't encourage such styles as the results will not be maintainable- meaning that you will gain all the weight back. And on top of that, you won't get the PHYSICAL change you want to see.
I.e losing weight in unhealthy ways DOESN'T mean that you will lose fat as well- you may even lose muscle and in the end, you'll just look more or less the same ....
This is not only my weight loss journal, but also a journey to self -love and self-confidence.

♥ ♥ ♥                                                                               ♥ ♥ ♥

BTW am open to any suggestions(healthy ofc) and info to help me, as well as ppl who would like to "join" me in my journal.

Soz this was a long intro , but thanks for reading anyways 🥰🥰

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