Line of Fire (Taekook)

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But right now, he is too busy anticipating Jeongguk's response and hoping he'd just been kidding or maybe thinking out loud, that there's no finality to the bomb he'd just dropped on him.

"You always complain about how long it takes you to get to work from here," Jeongguk says, pressing his lips together. He says it so casually, leaning back into his seat as he does, crossing his legs. Something twists in Taehyung's gut, like fear mixed with annoyance. "And now that I've finally graduated, I don't know... there's no reason for us to keep living together? You don't have to hover over me, I got a job, you got a job. We've only been living together because it costs less anyway, but I feel like we're way past that now."

Taehyung swallows, his mouth going dry. His throat tightens as the words leave Jeongguk's mouth and he doesn't like what he's hearing, but he can't deny that everything he's saying is plausible. They started living together in college; two broke students sharing a two-bedroom apartment, working part-time jobs and barely making rent. Realistically, yes – he and Jeongguk don't have a reason to be living together anymore, and Taehyung would probably feel only a little sad about them parting and then move on with his life in a different apartment, if he and Jeongguk hadn't been having sex for the past year and half.

Which is exactly what makes his blood boil and chills run down his spine. The way Jeongguk says it so carelessly, so nonchalantly, like it changes nothing in his life whether or not he's living with Taehyung.

"I complain about you barely ever doing the dishes too, but I don't see you bending over backwards to help," Taehyung says, voice flat and even. There's panic rising up in his throat, but he swallows it down, fixing his gaze on Jeongguk. "I wasn't aware of you not wanting to live with me anymore."

Jeongguk's eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head, dismissively waving his hands in the air. "No, hyung – come on. That's not how I meant it."

"Is it not?" Taehyung asks, keeping his composure. "Because that's what it came across like. Which is okay. Just, I would have preferred it if you let me know beforehand so we could have discussed it."

"We're discussing it right now," Jeongguk narrows his eyes at him. "Besides, it's not like I've actively been thinking about it. But that's always been the main goal, right? Graduate college and then move out so we could start our own separate lives? The only reason you stayed with me after you graduated was so you could help me out with bills. Technically, I've been the one holding you back this whole entire time."

Taehyung hates how reasonable Jeongguk's argument sounds. It's not true though, at least not entirely. While yes, Taehyung had stayed so he could help Jeongguk out, he also stayed because... well. Because he's in love with him. And he's been in love with him for years now, even prior to them ever sleeping together.

"Jeongguk," Taehyung presses his lips together, arms crossing defensively over his chest, even though there's nothing he should be defensive about. "Seriously? You didn't think to mention this to me once? Even in passing?"

Jeongguk huffs, squirming on the couch, uncrossing and crossing his legs again. He doesn't exactly look guilty, but Taehyung knows him well enough to know he's not exactly happy with Taehyung pushing this.

"I just don't get what you're getting so pissy about?" Jeongguk tilts his eyebrows, and Taehyung hates how genuinely confused he sounds.

It's so obvious. Or at least, Taehyung thinks it should be. It's not like he can outright say it – especially not with all of Jeongguk's rules such as, "no feelings, no kissing unless we're about to fuck and no sleeping in the same bed unless we've had sex". And Taehyung is guilty of agreeing to those, yes, but he also never thought Jeongguk would so nonchalantly drop this bomb on him.

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