And speaking of teams, Kerchen just announced the division of work. He searched for his name in the large monitor and found it immediately, third line. It says he’s one from the Main Team. He’s honored to be one of them since they will be the ones who will be in-charge with the main development of the project. But his expression changed the moment he saw the woman’s name just above his – the woman he thought he’d never meet again.

He swallowed. Two times. A rush of feelings flowed but stopped once again when his target showed no signs of emotion. Does that mean she’s fine with it? Of course she would be. It was a hell of ten years ago and the one who’s obviously not fine was him.

Ten years. Ten damn years have passed every since they last seen each other and now, the man she wanted to forget all her life is here. In Germany. In Arch. They’re on the same Project. The same team. Rishi almost had dropped her case when she spotted Emette at the end of the hall. He looked so new. It took her a lot of time to recognize every feature in his face just to make sure it was really him. Based on his reaction after seeing her, his image solidified in her mind. It really was Emette. There’s only one man in the world that has those addicting auburn eyes. One man who can only have those thin lips she knows so well. One man who can still look good and hot while having his hair in scrambles like that. One man who can move her heart with just one look.

Ten years ago, after they’ve left for Alaska with her mother, she suffered and rebelled. She was lost. But thanks to that experience, she learned how to control her emotions and behave like the obedient daughter that she was supposed to be. She learned how to seal unwanted memories to the deepest parts of her mind. She avoided everything that could remind her of Emette. She had thrown the thought of becoming a teacher and gave up tennis. But the moment of seeing him again after all this time never occurred to her. Her mother made her word not to let them meet and communicate. But why now…?

While she was deep in thought, her mother appeared by the toilet’s door. They are now in the VIP toilet where only limited names can enter. When her mother had gotten a good distance between them in front of the mirrors, Rishi glared.

“Why didn’t you tell me that he’s here?” Rishi’s all-gown up voice said with obvious rage that stiffened her jaw.

Kerchen didn’t respond immediately. She ignored her daughter’s eyes and faced the mirrors to give her make up some retouch. Lines increased in her face to indicate her aging.

Rishi, too, aged and grew up. Moved on. That’s what she thought until hours ago.

“Is this about Romerole’s son?” Kerchen finally opened her mouth to the subject.

“Yes, Emette.” Rishi emphasized the name she thought she’ll never say again to print it to her mother’s memory.

Kerchen switched her gaze to her daughter, wearing almost no expression. “Why? Would you rather knew and refused the offer?”

She can’t. She clearly knows she can never refuse any request from her mother ever since that incident. It was the only way she knew to get her mother’s trust once again. That’s right – this must be one of her mother’s plans to test her out, to see if she’d be the same as she was back then. It only means her mother still doubts her. Her heart ached but it’s understandable. She did betray her parents once and rebelled against them even though she was the one who was at fault.

“No.” Rishi met her mother’s gaze while earning courage from her grip in her sides.

Kerchen turned to the mirror once again. “Then there’s really no problem.”

“There is every problem, mom. How could you drag me into this without telling me the project’s information like you always do?”

Kerchen stopped applying her lipstick. It was too much red for her age. “I hate repeating myself, Rishi. Everyone does. I’ll explain to you then I’ll explain it during the assembly, and I’ll be explaining again on stage for the proposal? I’m getting old. If this was 15 years ago, I could have.”

Rishi’s not clearly satisfied with her mother’s response but she took it. She’s not in the mood to struggle for words, especially with her mother, right now. She just stood still and waited for her mother to finish up. She was met with a smile.

“Don’t get the wrong idea, Rishi. It’s not that I set everything up. Everyone at the board recommended him because of his works in Hawaii and Brazil last year. So he has every credentials to get himself inside this project.” Although Kerchen was smiling, happiness or softness was not on her voice. No emotion at all.

Rishi can’t help but think she’s becoming like her mother. Emotionless and doesn’t give a damn to others. But she’ll prove she won’t. She’ll prove that she had forgotten her feelings towards Emette even if it means ignoring the pinch in her heart.


Sorry for the late update! There are just some things that happened during my move back to the dorms which I hate and there's some problems with my internet (again).

Anyway, here's Chapter 27! Emette and Rishi finally met again after ten years! You have no idea how much I wanted to write this moment. I wanted to make it look like they miss each other even though they keep on thinking they have moved on. IDK if I did good.

I dedicate this chapter to arrianereyes since she's been liking my stories so far. I hope you enjoyed everything!

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