Chapter 7

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I agree on letting Finn cuddle me. On my reply Finn nods with a mischievous grin and flops onto blanket fort beside me. I roll onto my side to watch Ethan. Finn carefully wraps his arm around my waist, and I stiffen slightly. It's enough to make Finn freeze and Ethan glare. Finn uses it as a cue.
"Platonic cuddling is all about making the other person feel safe and secure. So if  something like this happens, you stop."

Finn's breath on my ear runs a chill through me. But my eyes are on Ethan leaning forward, his face is impossibly cool. It's working. I've got his attention.
"Finn, I'm doing fine. Let's keep going."

I rest my hand on Finn's thigh and he press his chest against my back. Ethan shifts against the wall, lips parting. Finn squeezes my shoulder gently, and I start giggling as my body relaxes into the pillows.  Finn's body heat emanates through my body, and I briefly wonder what Ethan would feel like. Suddenly Finn breaks the silence.
"That's  enough of a demonstration for today, don't you think?"

Ethan was still in shock about what was happening in front of him, gathering his words he say
"Uh...yeah. It was."

Ethan clear his throat and quickly composes himself as he turns to Chris.
"You're up, Chris. How'd your week go?"

"Well...I was pretty sure she was almost too into me before things went bad."

"You must have been reading her wrong. Tell me the whole story."

Chris started telling Ethan the whole story that how they went on multiple coffee dates and they even sat next to each other for the last semester. She was okay with the kiss on cheek. It sounds like she just wants to be his friend more than a boyfriend. After listening to his whole sad story, Nick says
"That's an excuse self-proclaimed nice guys use 'cause they think they deserves sex from their female friends. Everly how do you feel about nice guys?"

"I don't think they are all bad. I mean, I like it when guys are nice to me."

"There's a difference between nice and good though." Nick says
All of sudden Ethan gets angry.
"What if someone you thought was your friend wanted to bang you? Then he gets all pissed that you don't. How'd that make you feel."

I don't know what he is talking about, but whatever it is it sound pretty awful. I watch at him pityful eyes. His whole angry persona melts off and becomes dejected.
"We don't want guys who treat people like that."

Nick tries to ease the tension by focusing back on Chris and says
"The point is, she thought you were a safe person to be around. You ruined it by asking for more. I'll show you an example."

Nick pulls me from the blanket fort, wraps his arm around my waist, and pulls me in close, as though he's going to kiss me. What the hell? I shove him away angrily, and Nick laughs as he straighten up. Ethan steps towards me, and Nick takes a step back.

"See? Everly is my friend- nothing more, nothing less. I completely crossed a boundary there. So don't do this." Nick says to justify his act. Not interested in you buddy.

"Always be gentle and considerate of your partner's feelings, whether this is first date or you've known her for years." Ethan says with his usual cool expression.

Ethan then slowly walks towards me. He places a gentle finger under my chin and stares down at me. My heartbeat quickens at his gentle touch. I stare into his beautiful brown eyes, the soft smil on his lips warms my heart.

"You need to be careful. If she leans in then she's most likely interested and giving you the okay to move forward." he says still looking at me
"But if she jerks away or look confused, then you need to take a step back and respect her. "

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