Chapter 2

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Back in our shared room, Slater flops on his bed with a sigh.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to cause drama. Just... Everly, please promise me that you'll avoid those three. I've seen awful things happen to good people because they got played by the Wingmen."

"Why do you hate them, anyway? Did you chase after them and get heartbreak?"

He lets out a sharp breath and clutches the stuffed unicorn to his chest.
"I'd rather not go into details but I've known them since freshman year. So that makes almost two years. Once upon a time we were friends. But like I said, they've hurt good people. That's all you need to know."

"This was a weird experience, but they didn't come off as bad people."

"Wingmen, Inc. gives the school millions of dollars a year to have a presence on campus. Doesn't that sound shady to you? Get this in last three years alone, they've tripled their enrolment for dating app."

"Wingmen, Inc. is a dating app? Then why are those guys doing all this platonic pampering?"

"Who knows? I'm guessing the easiest way to direct new people to your app is through three hot guys who take care of you. Trust me, Everly. Each
girl- every single one-who gets mixed up with the Wingmen... get her heart broken." Slater said being genuinely sad.

"Thanks for your concern, but I can take of myself. No one's gonna make me do anything I don't want to." I said with soft smile on my lips.

"That's what I'm afraid of. They'll make you want. I've seen it happen before."

"Have you seen my right hook? I'll knock them out."

This finally makes Slater laughs, and I feel myself relax a little.
"I'll show you around campus tomorrow so, you'd better get some sleep."

Nodding, I snuggle under my covers and drift off to sleep. I wake up the next day to bright light shinning through the curtains. Slater is still asleep, clutching the unicorn to his chest. All right, first day to school. What should I wear? I open my closet and pulled my black tight-fitted jeans and matching crop top and pulled my peach nectar color hoodie. I got dressed and made my way to the campus coffee shop. It's already buzzing with students getting their morning fix. I plant myself by the window to enjoy my breakfast. Finally, a moment to relax. I could get used to this. Just when I let out sigh of relief I heard a familiar voice from behind.
"Morning cutie"
God, I spoke too soon. Finn flashes a charming camera ready smile, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I have a feeling he's the flirty one of the trio.

"Is this seat taken?" he said pointing towards the empty seat across me.

"Yes.It's taken. I'm waiting for someone. "

"Really? "

"Yes, really"

"Well, I'm sure they won't mind if I keep you company until they get here."

Finn sits down across from me, his knees brushing against mine briefly as he settles himself.
"We started off on the wrong foot yesterday, so let's try again. I'm Finn."

"I'm Everly Mac-"
Suddenly few fangirls started screaming excitedly
"Oh my God! It's Finn"
"Finn! Finn!"

Two squealing girls run up to Finn, and he shows off another smile.
"Alexa, Amy! You both look beautiful today!"

"Calm down, girls. Let's not bother him, okay?"
Jessica steps in front of the two girls, and she faces Finn with a much more composed expression than her friends.
"Sorry to bother you, Finn. But honestly it's a treat to see you so early in the morning. See you later handsome."

"Glad to hear it from our favourite client. Have a great day girls."
The girls shuffle off and Finn turns to me with another one of his picture perfect smile.
"Well ?"

"Well what? Am I supposed to be impressed? Because I'm not. I am more confused. "

"Most of our clients are students. So we're pretty well-known around campus. "
Finn leans back in his seat, appraising me with intelligent almond-shaped eyes.

"You know, you're the first girl who hasn't fallen for our charm."

"I find that hard to believe. "

"Believe it. Even Ethan was impressed. "

"I don't buy it. How could you guys be so impressed by me? We had one conversation. "

"Everly do you know how lonely we get."

"You? Lonely? That's ridiculous. You're surrounded by girls! Are you guys having trouble finding people to rely on?"

"Our clients only see us as a service, and any friends we make try to use our looks, money, or status for their own benefits. Ethan has its worst. He's supposed to be the stoic unattainable one so it's upto me and Nick to socialize. Whenever we're wandering around campus girls talk to us easily but they're pretty distant when it comes to Ethan."

"Oh...I didn't realize that's how it was for you guys."

"It's okay. We're used to it, but- "

Slater burst through door, his hairs ruffled and bed creased.
"Sorry I'm late, Everly. I overslept. "
He finally notices Finn, who beams a 100 watt smile in his direction.

"Before you freak out, Slater- we're just chatting. Nothing sinister going on here."

"I'm not sure I believe you."
My eyes dart between Slater and Finn. I could cut the tension with a butter knife.

"Uh.. lets go on that tour, Slater! You have a lot to show me around campus."

"Yeah let's get out of here"

"Until we meet again, ma chérie."

I nod at Finn as I follow Slater out of the coffee shop and onto campus grounds.
"I'm sorry if I'm coming off as unreasonable. I just don't want to see you hurt Everly."

"I understand Slater. Now come on."
I take Slater's arm and he leads me around the school. I do my best to focus but I'm still thinking of the Wingmen.

"Still got the Wingmen on your mind?" he said as if reading my thoughts.

"Huh? How do you know?"

"You had this stary eyed look that I've definitely seen before. I say it again: things end up bad with those three."

"How can you be sure? You keep warning me to avoid them without explaining why."

Slater lets out a sharp breath then nods, staring at me seriously.
"You right. I should at least tell you what you're getting into. What do you want to know?"

"Can you tell me more about the Wingmen? And why do you hate them so much?"

"I knew a girl who was a lot like you. She was my closest friend, and the Wingmen broke heart. I still haven't forgiven the three of them for it."

"What happened to you guys?"

"We basically had a falling out. I avoided them as much as possible. But there's only so much I can do when they're right across the hall."

"Why wouldn't you just transfer out then?"

"Maybe I will when the school year's over. For now I'm stuck."
"Wait, didn't you want to know about one of the guys?"

"Well yeah. Tell me more about Ethan."

"Even when we were friends we didn't get along that well. I guess our personalities clashed. To be fair, he's a smart and hard-working guy. I don't think I know anyone who's as dedicated as he is. I remember I didn't see him for a week straight because of how focused he was on his classes and tutoring. "

"Remind me why know so much about them?"

"I already told you the four of us used to be friends. "

"I'm sure that there's more to it than that. Come on! Tell me!"
Slater laughs and shakes his head. He starts walking again to give me the rest of the campus tour. Wait is he ignoring my question? But why?

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