Chapter 9

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A week flies by while I'm focused on exercise, lectures and assignment. I haven't seen the Wingmen since that night. I wonder where Nick is. I figured I would be able to recognize him during the Human Anatomy lecture, but I haven't seen him at all. I get ready for my lectures and head towards the elevator. When I reach there my stomach tightens with dread as I see Ethan and the other Wingmen blocking my way. They had their back towards me. Speak of the devil. And I was just getting used to life without them.

"Seriously, Ethan?" Nick says angrily looking at Ethan.

"It's been a week, and you still haven't said a word to Everly?" Finn says joining in.

"Why should I?" He says in cold voice.

"Jessica wasn't supposed to do that,  and you know it." Nick says

"For someone whose job revolves around women, you sure suck with talking to them." Finn blasted at him

"You need to ckear this up with Everly as soon possible. Otherwise you, me and Finn are royally funcked." I can't see their face, but through Nick's voice his sounds dejected.

"Plus, you hate Jessica. You've said it yourself- many times by the way." Finn is still fuming with anger.

"I know. But you know as well as I do that she's one of our best clients. We can't just tell her off." Really Ethan?  Just to keep your client's heart, you will break rules by letting her kiss you and still tell it's not wrong.

"If it's for someone we actually consider our friend, then yes! Of course we can."  Oh, Nick you're such a sweetheart.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this upset." Ethan says looking at both of them

"I don't think I've ever seen you this uncaring."  Finn says pointing his finger towards Ethan's chest.

The Wingmen are fighting. I thought they did make up by now. Those guys are inseparable. Would they really fall apart after one fight? Are the three of them going to be okay? They are  requesting Ethan to sort out things with me. Nick has been avoiding me in Human Anatomy class because of all this mess. Even I was pissed off, or sometimes sad in the class for why they are avoiding me because I'm the one who should be avoiding them. I know I'm sounding like a kid, but after all this I have right to be angry at them. Both Finn and Nick were upset of Ethan for his behaviour and so he promised them to clean this mess.

"I... gotta run to class. See you guys tonight."
Ethan brushes past Finn and Nick to run down the stairwell.

Dude there was an elevator, right?

Finn and Nick exchange glances, and they both let out an annoyed sigh. Ethan can be so difficult to deal with sometimes.

"Everly? You're there, aren't you? Can we chat for a bit? Finn says glancingat his back.
I take a deep breath and approach the remaining two Wingmen. They both give me awkward smile.
"Hey guys. Are you okay?"

"More or less. We're more worried about Ethan." Finn says looking at stairwell from where Ethan went out.

"He's not the most in touch with his own emotions, but I have a feeling you already knew that." Nick looks at me.

"I'm sure everything that's happened since the quarter started has been eating at him but he just doesn't know how to express that. No matter what, we're sorry Everly."  They both look genuinely worried.

"Yeah. We dragged you in this mess because we realyy did believe that you could help our boy Ethan out. " Nick apologies to me.

"Jessica usually does this mess. You remember when Jessica completely ingored my personal space, right?"

I remember when Jessica was all over Nick and I had to come for his rescue. We both smirk at the thoughts. Since  that day Nick and I became friends.

"God you two are wholesome. Nonetheless it's not like we're going to give up on you or this plan to find happiness for Ethan." Finn says smiling

"Right! This is just another setback. But who cares? I know we can power through it." Nick laughs

Even after a hard fight with their best friend, Finn and Nick are still staying calm and optimistic about everything. These guys really do believe that I can help mend Ethan's heart. But I need some time to think again, and I'm still pissed at these guys. I look at them like the girl who is aboutto throw tantrums. The smiles on both of their faces disappears immediately and my chest tightens at their expression. Finn looks at his feets and nod knowingly.
"Thats an incredibly valid way to feel right now."

"Um... I'll see you guys later."

Finn and Nick nods as I head over to campus for my lectures.
After a long day I head back to my dorm room. I change into my PJs and as I settle in bed that night, I hear laughter and loud music from the Wingmen's room. I grab a pillow and scream into it. Oh God, not again! Slater is not here, so I thought I'd have a nice, relaxing eveningto myself. They'd been so quiet for the past week- what changed their minds today? I put on a brave face and march upto their door, banging my fist on the wood, just like the first night I met.

"Hey! Wingmen! I'm gonna bust this door. My shoulder is going to get well-acquainted with that wood if you don't open up soon!" I say angrily

"Jeez, calm down, Everly." I hear Ethan's voice from inside. Huh.
Déjà vu.

Ethan appears at the doorway, still looking like a Vogue model with his lightly tousled hair and steely cool eyes.

"You seem stressed."
Thanks for noticing, Ethan

"I have class in the morning, and I can't sleep with you guys making all that racket."

"It's just me tonight. The guys weren't feeling it, but we still had a client that we couldn't cancel on. Anyway, wait here. I have something that'll help with the noise."

Ethan disappears into the room. I stare at the chipped paint, absentmindedly listen to the sound of shuffling behind the door. Finn and Nick muststill be mad at him- maybe they didn't make up when Ethan got back from campus. More importantly, what kind of clientis so important to the Wingmen that Ethan decided he needed to meet her solo? Is the client tonight... Jessica? The thought of Jessica of being alone with Ethan brings a knot in my stomach. I hope my thought is not true. Ethan returns from his room and hand me headphones that are noise-cancelling.

"You can borrow them for when we have clients over. It's Friday night, and these headphones are best I've got. I'll do my best to keep volume down, but no promises. "

If this is the only way for me to sleep then I'm going to have to take them. I take the headphones and look up at Ethan. His expression is cool and unreadable, as it usually is.

"Thanks. I guess."

"You're welcome. I guess."
Sheesh. He really doesn't want to confront the mess with me, Nick and Finn huh? Finally ending this little game of avoiding I speak

"Ethan, can we talk about this? It's been a week. Nick and Finn talked to me, but I know you've been avoiding me. "

Ethan breathes in sharply, then clears his throat.
"I don't know what you're talking about."

I let out sigh. He's hopeless. I'm trying to sort things out and he's acting like nothing has happened. Why he's always so difficult to deal with? I don't even know why I'm trying to help him when he wants to be a close book?
Maybe I have started caring for him?

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