Chapter 6

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I'm going to Wingmen session tonight,  and my heart won't stop pounding as I stare at the outfits on my bed. I have been debating with myself for last one hour for what should I wear. Nick and Finn said I'll see exactly what Ethan thinks of me tonight. I should make a good impression. Finally I wore a black tank top and denim shorts and pulled a cool turquoise letterman jacket and added a little makeup. I really look great in this. I hear a knock at my door, after taking one last look in mirror I went to to answer it only to see Nick standing there.
"Oh, you look adorable! Ethan is gonna love your look."

Maybe I'll see it for myself tonight. I follow Nick into the hallway and stand in front of their dorm room. Nick glances at me, smiling sweetly.
"So? How're you feeling?"

"I am still confused "


"Is everything and acceptable answer? Everything. Remind me why you've brought me here."

"Operation Charity Case, remember? Ethan isn't exactly the most emotional guy, but even he's prone to jealousy."

"So, we're not calling it Operation Seduce Ethan anymore?  Did Finn tell you about that name?" I say with a huge laugh. He nods.
"Of course he said! Finn and I have a few ideas in mind to hit with a dose of jealousy, but we need your help. So just follow our okay?"

"Let's do this." I said little excitedly. Few minutes before I was confused and now I'm excited about this. Sometimes even I doubt my mood swings. Nick told me that the Wingmen were gonna do their usual lesson for training new recruits. In few things they will need my help. Nick and me were going to do sone flirty banter and then I and Finn can get a little more physical but nothing that I'm not okay with, of course. We are doing this so that Ethan will notice us. Some where I still feared that what if something goes wrong? But then Nick assures me that we are friends and I can trust him, which is correct. Taking deep breath I enter Wingmen's dorm. The dorm is full of moody romantic candlelight and the scent of lavender. In the middle of room there is a heart made of rose petals. I look around and see Finn sitting on the bottom of bunk bed, while Ethan leans against gis bed frame, smoothing out his shirt. This guys sure don't fool around with the atmosphere. Finn gives me a pleasant smile. Ethan looks me up and down, his expression as cool and stoic as ever. My skin tingles a little at his gaze.
"Everly." he stares at me

"Ethan, do you have anything to say?"

"I'm sure he means he's happy to see you." Nick chuckles interrupting us.

"Your outfit suits you." Ethan says with soft smile.
There's a knock at the door. Two boys enter the room, looking sheepish. Their eyes lands on me upon entering and I can see the panic on their faces, maybe they weren't expecting a girl over here.

"Everly, these two are Chris and Jay."
Nick introduced me to both the guys

"Tonight we are going to show this guys how to behave with women both romantically and platonicay way." Finn says

"Aren't you guys supposed to be all about platonic stuff, though? I asked being surprised.

"As interns for Wingmen, Inc., we are! But Chris and Jay requested a lesson in romantics so naturally we'll deliver."

"They're two of our usuals. If they'refast learner, we might help them land internship with Wingmen Inc. too" Ethan says while addressing them
I shifted my attention to both the boys
"Nice to meet you guys. I'm Everly Mackenzie. I just transferred to this university. "

They give me a confused smile as they greet me. It looks like they both get don't along with girls much and that's why they need help from the experts! Atleast the trio are experts when it comes to girls, I don't know much when it comes to Ethan. But other two boys are pro. I stay quiet as I lay down in the blanket  fort, listening to Wingmen. Chris and Jay sit awkwardly on the floor.

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