Epilogue - Paths

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Evangeline's POV:

I was able to get up in a few weeks. Erik proved the best nurse and father. He took care of Belle when I could barely lift a finger. He loved his daughter and didn't keep from showing it. She was his. I wondered what would happen when someone came looking for her hand. It was be a hard thing for a young man to realize that his love's father was the infamous Phantom of the Opera.

The years passed blissfully. Daroga moved permanently to our home. He became like a uncle to Belle and the two sons I bore later. Erik had panicked when I turned up pregnant about six years after Belle. He was terrified of losing me. He didn't. I gave birth to twin sons. The oldest, Charles, looked a lot like Erik with the deep set eyes and deformed nose. But the youngest, Peter, was more like me. His red hair and blue eyes were laughing and held none of the darkness of his older brother's. Belle and Charles proved to be true musical geniuses. Belle could sing like an angel and Charles could play and compose like his father.

When she was seventeen, Belle met and eventually married Jaguar's son. It was a chance meeting but both young people were soon love struck. Jaguar had somewhat forgiven Erik for stealing me and we became friends. Not close but because of the marriage of our children we were together a lot.

As for Charles he married a singer and soon they got a job at the Opera Populaire. He composed and played for them while she sang. He honed her voice to perfection and they lived a fine life together, having two daughters and a son. None of them were even slightly deformed.

When it came to Peter he never married. He had too wild of a spirit and became a rover. He loved to travel and we often received letters, telling about his travels, from the ends of the earth. I sometimes wished he would settle down and start a family but he wasn't that sort. I had Charles and Belle so I was happy.

Erik and I lived to a ripe old age beside each other. We almost never spoke about Christine and the past. There was no reason to. It was the past and it would stay there. Erik had gotten his wish. He had a house, a wife, children, and a life beyond the confines of the Opera House cellars. He had become a man instead of a ghost. It was so amusing to watch him play with his grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. Considering that he was seventy when his first great-grandchild was born, he was still quite active. What I always loved to watch was when he used his magic tricks to amuse them. What he had used at one time to drive people to insanity he used to make his family laugh. It was hard to believe that all this had come to be because I fell into the torture chamber of the Opera Ghost and refused to leave him alone. It was amazing where various paths can lead.


Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Well, phans, it is over! Phew! This has been a hard book but an enjoyable one. I hope you have enjoyed it. Well, on to the others. I really do have too many irons in the fire or should I say to many thoughts in my brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bewailed_his_fate has suggested that she would like a sequel. Well, I am thinking about it. Tell me what you think. I would do it on the romance between Jaguar's son and Belle. Love ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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