Chapter 12 - The Toad

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 Evangeline's POV:

I settled back against my seat and smiled. My ankle wasn't better yet so I was going to get to watch a production. I never had. I was always part of it. I hadn't been talking to Erik recently and I was worried. He hated Carlotta and she was singing tonight. I looked around and happened to look up at the chandelier. I realized then that I was sitting under it. For the first time I was nervous. I didn't like sitting under the chandelier. I hadn't ever feared it before but I guess now that I knew Erik better I had learned not to trust anything. Even something I had always trusted. I then looked around me and moved to the back. I couldn't hear as well but I was away from the chandelier. I sat back and started to listen. It arrived at the kermesse scene of Faust. Carlotta was on the scene and singing like a demon. I hated her voice. Erik had told me some days ago that Christine would sing that part or no one would. Well, I knew he wasn't going to be happy.

*Not my lord, not a lady am I, nor yet a beauty,

And do not need an arm to help me on my way.*

I covered my ears and held back a moan at her screaming. Erik, if you are going to do something, do it fast. My ears can't handle this, I thought. Then came the garden scene and I had a relief from Carlotta when Christine started to sing. Though I was jealous of Erik's love for her I wouldn't deny that she was a masterful singer. She had been blessed with the voice of an angel.

*Gentle flow'rs in the dew,

Be message from me …*

She looked up at Raoul who was sitting in his box and I heard her voice start to falter. I saw the look in her eyes and felt my stomach drop. I knew what that look meant. She loved him. I felt a surge of hope than despair. If she loved Raoul than she didn't love Erik and if she didn't love Erik than he would kill to keep her. Either way it went someone would be completely broken. Maybe there would be way to solve it all.

*Gentle flow'rs, lie ye there

And tell her from me …*

I looked up at the Viscount and saw him lay his head in hands and his shoulders start to shake. He was crying. I rolled my eyes and continued to watch.

*Would she but deign to hear me

And with one smile to cheer me …*

Suddenly Carlotta made her entrance and I covered my ears as the crowd erupted into cheers. How could they encourage her! She was horrible. She needed to be removed. It wasn't long before she started her screeching.

*I wish I could but know who was he

That addressed me,

If he was noble, or, at least, what his name is … *

More cheers greeted her and she continued to sing and again at the end,

*Ah, the joy past compare

These jewels bright to wear! …*

By the look on her face I could tell that she was perfectly proud herself and confident in her singing ability. Of lack there of, I thought to myself. Then she sang her duet with Faust. Faust was halfway good. I could bare his singing.

*Let me gaze on the form before me,

While from yonder ether blue

Look how the star of eve, bright and tender,

lingers o're me.

To love they beauty too!*

The Carlotte screeched,

*Oh, how strange!

Like a spell does the evening bind me!

And a deep languid charm

I feel without alarm

With its melody enwine me

And all my heart subdue.*

And as she tried to sing the next note, she croaked like a toad. I had to hold in my laughter.


The consternation on her face was priceless. I was almost dying inside because I couldn't laugh and make a spectacle out of myself. But I probably won't have been heard anyway. Everyone was screaming and howling. I covered my ears and tried to think. Maybe it was better when I wasn't in the audience. Suddenly I heard Richard, the manager, shouting to her,

“Well, go on!” And she did, or at least she tried.

*I feel without alarm – Co-ack!

With its melody enwind me – Co-ack!

And all my heart sub – Co-ack!*

At this I couldn't help but laugh. It was too funny! Suddenly I heard a voice echo across the auditorium.

*“She is singing tonight to bring the chandelier down!”* I shuddered when I heard the voice. It was Erik and he was bringing the chandelier down. The chains that held it up gave way and the chandelier fell, right where I would have been. Maybe it was a good thing I didn't trust anything anymore. I might have been dead. As I was toward the back I was one of the first who managed to get out at the head of the mass dash for the exits. In the end only one person died. An woman who I learned later had come to take Madam Giry's place as the keeper of Box 5.

That was also the last time that Christine was seen. No one knew where she was except for me.

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