Chapter 24 - Death

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 Evangeline's POV:

I pulled myself up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. I remembered then what had happened the day before and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and go back to sleep. In my dreams Erik could be mine and Christine never existed. But alas a dream was a dream and reality was reality. I slowly got dressed and remembered that I would be dancing soon again. But I couldn't dance with a heavy heart. Suddenly Meg walked in and handed me a letter.

“Hey, a messenger brought this for you. He said was important. He wants to know your response. He is waiting in the lobby.” Meg smiled at me and said,

“Where have you been lately?” I smiled back at her and said,

“Around.” She raised her eyebrows but I didn't elaborate. She shrugged her shoulders and walked out. I opened the letter and this is what I read.

Dear Evangeline,

This is your uncle. You great aunt is dead. The funeral is in a week. Be there.

Love, Uncle Michael.

I started at the letter and sighed. My father had friends in Spain and I was like a niece to them. I barely knew my Great Aunt Rose but I knew I should go to her funeral. I looked at the date and realized I had three days to get to Spain. It wouldn't be easy but I could do it. I quickly sat down at my tiny desk and wrote Erik a letter.

Dear Erik,

I will be leaving for a while. There has been a death in my family. I will come back. Don't worry. Don't do anything stupid while I am gone.

Your Friend, Eva

I quickly folded up the letter and left in his box. He would find it I was sure. I packed my things and with barely a good-bye to anyone left the Opera House. There was a carriage waiting for me and I was soon on my way to Spain.

Two Days Later:

Evangeline's POV:

It had been two days of hard travel and I was feeling it. The carriage pulled up to a small house and I knew it was my uncle's place. I stepped out and the driver brought my bags. I knocked on the door. A old man with a gray beard and blue eyes opened it. He looked me over and said,

“Evangeline? Is that you?” I nodded and he led me in. He walked me into a small living room. A cheery fire was in the hearth and a young woman about my age was sitting in a chair beside it. It was my “cousin.” She and I had always been close. Opposite her was a tall youth. He had brown hair and sparkling brown eyes. His clothes were nice and spoke of some wealth. I had to admit that he was handsome. Very handsome. He stood to his feet and held out his hand.

“You're Evangeline? My name is Jaguar Stancio. I am pleased to meet you.” I shook his hand and instantly felt the difference. His hands were soft while Erik's were hard. His were full while Erik's were thin. I liked the feel but I preferred Erik's. I smiled at him and Uncle Michael offered me a seat. I sat down and felt the exhaustion wash over me.

“Am I in time, Uncle Michael?” He nodded.

“Mother is to be buried tomorrow.” Great Aunt Rose was his mother. She was old as the hills and quite the dear. I don't remember much about her though. I yawned by accident and Uncle Michael laughed.

“You, my dear, look tired. Jaguar, take her to her room.” Jaguar led me up the stairs and into my room. It had a bed, a night stand, and a wash table. The bare necessities. Jaguar laid my bags down and said,

“Well, sleep tight and I shall see you in the morning.” He smiled at me and his eyes sparkled. He was so handsome. I dressed in my nightgown and fell asleep with Erik in the forefront of my mind. But Jaguar was in the back of my mind with his brown eyes smiling.

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