Chapter 32 - Spain

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Evangeline's POV:

I wrung the water from my hair as Erik urged Caesar faster. I had learned that he had a horse. He had stolen him from the stables of the Opera House. I wasn't surprised. Caesar was a great horse. He easily carried the two of us. As Erik spurred him onward I directed him toward Uncle Michael's house. Ten minutes later we were there. I slid off and Erik jumped down. He tied up Caesar and, grabbing my hand, dragged me onto the porch. My heart was pounding as my uncle opened up the door. I prayed Jaguar wouldn't be there. I didn't want to talk to him. He would learn one day but right now wasn't the time. I took one look at my uncle and knew he wasn't exactly sure what was going on. Number one; I had left two weeks ago having only left a note explaining my sudden departure, Number two; I was in the company of the man with a man and who didn't seem quite normal, and number three; we were soaked and obviously desperate. I cleared my throat and said,

“Uncle, I need you help.” Uncle Michael nodded and let us in. I grabbed Erik's hand and pulled him through the doorway into the darkened house. I was grateful to see only my cousin and my uncle were there. Sophia, my cousin, took one look at me and Erik and her jaw dropped.

“Good evening, Sophia.” Uncle Michael offered us a place to sit and I noticed that Erik chose a place as far from the light as possible. I sat down beside him and smiled at my uncle and cousin.

“Eva, you said you needed help. What sort of help? And who is this?” I laughed.

“This is Erik. He and I need to speak to your brother. We need someone to marry us.” At this Sophia shot from her seat and dropped the book she had been holding. Uncle just sat there in shock.

“What are you talking about? Two weeks ago you left saying you had to check up on an old friend and now you arrive here asking for help with getting married. I am confused.” I smiled.

“Uncle, can you keep a secret?” Uncle nodded and so did Sophia. I took a deep breath and said,

“A about two months ago I made the acquaintance of a very unusual person. We became quite close. I fell in love with him while he loved another. I did what I could to help him win the heart of the girl but Great Aunt Rose died and while I was gone things went wrong.”

“Does this all have something to do with the Opera Ghost and the singer Christine Daae?” I nodded.

“Yes, and it is time I made some proper introductions. This is Erik, the Phantom of the Opera.” Sophia just froze and my uncle shook his head. He was in shock. Erik drummed his fingers on his leg. Sophia finally found her voice,

“So you are planning on marrying the Opera Ghost, Eva?” I nodded. She smiled and said,

“Well, what are we waiting for? Father, do you want me to go get Uncle Enrique or do you want to do it?” Uncle Michael sighed and said,

“I will do it. You get Eva ready. I am assuming that you want to be married as soon as possible?” I nodded and took Erik's hand in mine.

“Will your brother keep his mouth shut?” Uncle nodded.

“He will. He has done it before. I will be back. Erik, do you want to come with me so the ladies can do what they need to do?” Erik looked at me and I nodded. He let go of my hand and followed my uncle out. I watched as Erik mounted Caesar and Uncle fetched his horse. Everything was moving so quickly. Sophia led me up to her room and started to dry my hair and fix it. Erik had bought me a wedding dress and I pulled it on once I had dried off. She was silent and finally I asked,

“What is wrong, Sophia?” She sighed and sat down on her bed.

“I am just a little shocked. That is all. This sorta thing doesn't happen often. I am also doubting your judgment. After all the Opera Ghost wasn't even supposed to be a man. There was a reason he was called a ghost. And he is a murder. I don't know what you were thinking.” I laughed and Sophia smiled.

“I don't know either. Maybe it was that he didn't kill me the first time he saw me.” Sophia braided my hair and said,

“Tell me how a ballerina would meet the infamous Phantom.” I laughed.

“Well, I fell into his torture chamber. The mirror room as I called it. He thought about killing me but let me go. We became friends when I wouldn't leave.” Sophia smiled and was about to ask another question when there was a knock on the door. I looked up and my uncle peaked in.

“Enrique is here. Are you ready?” I looked at Sophia and nodded.

“I am ready.”

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