Chapter 42 - Time

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Evangeline's POV:

I carefully dabbed my mouth and looked toward Erik and Daroga. It was the middle of dinner and they were talking up a storm in a foreign language. I didn't bother to tell them how annoying that was. I laid my hand carefully on my belling and smiled. I was eight months along and the doctor had said that I was going along marvelously. He foresaw no problems. I settled back in the chair and tried to pick out some words that Erik and Daroga were speaking. I had learned a little Persian and that seemed to be what they were talking in. I sighed and started to clear the table. I was so tired. My abdomen also felt strange. I ignored it and started to walk toward the kitchen. A moment later Erik was at my side and whispered,

“Go sit down. Let me do this.” I smiled gratefully. Being pregnant certainly wasn't easy. Daroga and I sat on the couch and he said,

“Well, what names do you have picked out for the baby?” I smiled. Erik and I loved the name Belle. It meant beauty and I was sure that our child would be beautiful.

“Well, Erik is sure it will be a girl so we decided on the name Belle.” I smiled and suddenly felt a pain in my lower body. I swallowed the pain and decided something had hit me wrong during dinner. Erik soon appeared in the doorway of the living room where Daroga and I were sitting.

“Well, what might you two be talking about?” He sat down on my other side and laid his arm around my shoulders. I smiled.

“I should have been asking you two the same question. What was going on during dinner?” Erik laughed. I did love to hear him laugh. He had such a fine laugh. I kissed him on the cheek and saw Daroga roll his eyes. He sometimes hated being the one who had to watch us kissing. We tried to keep it to a minimum around him but sometimes I couldn't help it.

“Well, Daroga has decided he likes it here. He was thinking that he just might move in.” I laughed.

“He pretty much has. After all, Daroga, you have been here for the past four months. You're like family to us.” Erik rolled his eyes. At least I think he did. I couldn't tell. I was fairly sure he did though. Even with the mask off it was hard to see what he was doing with his eyes. They only glowed in the dark so otherwise it was just two eye-sockets looking back at me. Daroga had been slightly creeped out but had grown used to Erik not wearing his mask.

“He isn't family.” Erik hissed. I wondered many times how he and Daroga had become friends. After all they acted as if they hated each other. Maybe that was the way they expressed their fondness for each other. Considering I hadn't ever had brothers I wouldn't know how they would act. I was fairly sure though that they might act like Daroga and Erik. Well, a little more sane. The pain in my abdomen was getting worse. Then I felt something that I could only identity as a contraction. I bit lip and tried to look normal. Something wasn't right.

Erik's POV:

I had my arm around Eva and I noticed she was biting her lip and trying to keep from wincing. I gave her a curious look and she smiled.

“Erik, I think I am going to go to bed early. I don't feel well.” Of course, I was instantly concerned. I must have showed it on my face, because she said, “Don't worry. I am sure it is nothing. Just an upset stomach.”

“Do you want me to get you something for it?” She shook her head and walked toward the bedroom. I raised my eyebrows. The way she was walking proved that she was in great pain. I hated to see the love of my life in pain. It hurt me. I was about to say something to Daroga when I heard a scream. A bloodcurdling scream. I bolted from my seat and scampered up the stairs to our room. Laying on the floor, Eva was screaming. She gave me a wild look and I heard her whispered,

“It's time.”

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