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"I'm going to kill him," Jay growls when Nya told them about last night with out my permission. I did not want them knowing because they are over protective. It was lunch and I had sat down with them then Nya just had to come and ruin the nice atmosphere. "It is nothing important," I said. "He came a threatened you in your house," Cole said slamming his hands on the table. "I will be fine I got all of you," I said hoping to calm them down. "He's right. We need to watch him he cannot leave our sights," Zane said and I was horrified. "I don't need anyone protecting me," I defend. "But your," I cut Jay off. "A omega I know, but I'm not harmless," I said. "We can defend you better from Morro," Jay said. "It's for your own good," Cole said. "I hate to agree with them, but it is your safest bet," Nya said. "I cannot believe you!" I said getting up. "I don't need protecting. Just when I thought you all were different," I said than walked off to get to my class early.

I felt conflicted and a pain was in my chest, but I was not going to apologize. Nya was right I don't need any alpha.

Later in class

"Kai we are sorry it was our instincts," Zane was saying. "You can ignore your instincts," I said.

Then there was a announcement over the speakers.

"Armed group of people have entered the school everyone stay in their classrooms we are on lock down this is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill,"

The teacher immediately had us under our desks and the blinds shut. Some students were scared while others were on the edge of tears. Some couples huddled together and Zane tried getting closer to do the same with me, but I scooted back. I did want to cuddle him and feel safe, but I was not giving in to it then I'll just be proving that I need to be protected. After a few tense minutes past there was a loud banging down the hall and a few screams, but no gun shots. The sound of foot steps was getting closer to our door and I was shaking scared. The banging came to our door and some students bit back screams. The door came off it's hinges and in came several black dressed armed men with gun. Students screamed and huddled away as the attackers scanned the students when the leaders eyes landed on me. He started moving to me when Zane stepped in front of him.

"Don't you dare touch him," Zane growls and I did not complain. The guy raises his gun and shot. I had ringing in my ears, but I saw Zane fall to the ground clutching his stomach as blood formed on his stomach. I crawled to him crying. "Zane! No stay awake!" I yelled. "Kai," Zane crocks. "Yes Zane please don't go to the light Cole and Jay love you they need you. Zane please I love you I love Jay I love Cole please don't go," I cry. He smiles, but then I was ripped from him. "No stop!" I yelled struggling against the stronger man holding me. It threw me over his shoulder and walked out making a threat to the class to who ever followed them. I screamed Zane's name and then heard more gun shots go out, three specifically. More armed people came out with their guns freshly pulled. "This the one?" The guy asks holding me. I kicked and screamed at him, but was ignored. "Yeah that's the one took care of the risks?" Another guy asks.

Risks? What risks? Wait he doesn't mean? No!

"Yeah for a alpha the freckles was weak," The other guy chuckles and I can only assume Cole. "No! Cole! Jay!" I screamed. "Don't forget your sister," a guy laughs and I cried harder. I was carried out of the school then thrown in a van and tied up. "Stupid Omegas never stop crying over the tiniest thing," The one tying my rope said. They got out a needle and injected it in to my neck. I felt my eyes begin to go heavy before I fell asleep.

Jay's POV

Everything hurts. I heard voices, but they were fuzzy. I heard sirens too. I remember going between consciousness and darkness I didn't like the dark. "He's loosing too much," I heard a voice say. I looked too my side and saw Zane on a stretcher eyes closed and pale.

My Omega (polyninja AU)Where stories live. Discover now