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I've been at the school for a while now and I love it. I've also developed crushes on Jay, Zane, and Cole. They are all just so amazing. Jay's funny, Zane is super smart, Cole is strong and protective and my omega side just loves it all. Nya's even approved of them they would be the best alphas. They are dating each other though so they're out. It hurts, but I'm never going to be desperate enough to get close to Morro no matter how much he stalks me.

Currently I was in home ec that I shared with Cole. He was putting in his cookies while I was putting my cookies in the oven too. We were casually talking when I asked how he met Jay and Zane. His eyes light up at the memory.

"Well me and Jay met when our fathers came together to work on this deal contract and they brought us with them. It was when we were little and everyone was sure Jay was either a omega or a beta. Anyway we hit it off and became friends before eventually worked up the courage to start dating," Cole explains. "Where does Zane come into the mix?" I asked. "Well funny story really. It was about two years ago and we both developed a crush on Zane we just loved his minty fresh smell and how he was so organized compared to us. It took our relationship through a rough patch, but we eventually talked things out on how we wanted to add Zane to our pack. We asked him out and he said yes it was one of my best moments. He's helped me with cooking and he likes tinkering with Jay," Cole said. "Really? Because I think you need some more help," I said. He raises a eyebrow in a quizzical expression. "Really why?" He asks. "Your cookies are burning," I said in a sing song voice. Cole's eyes widened and he looked at his oven that had smoke coming out. In a rush he opens them meaning to pull out the cookies without the mits. He touched them before I could stop him and he yelps biting back a cry as he bit his lip looking at his hands. "Ms Cole burnt himself can he go to the nurses office?" I asked the teacher who looked up. "Yes you may go I will take out your cookies once their done," The teacher said allowing me to go with him to the nurses office. Cole had his hands clenched and was blinking back the tears.

"Don't clench you're fists your skin is already damaged it will just hurt more," I advise. He slowly unclenches them. "You must think I'm a idiot," he said. "I think you should think things through better, but it's fine it will be a little sore, but you will be fine," I said encouragingly. "But I'm a prime alpha I'm not meant to mess up if I mess up then I let everyone down," Cole said. "Who told you that?" I ask. "My dad he said protecting your mates is the most important task I'll ever get," Cole said. "Well then he's wrong sorta," I said and Cole looked at me. "No offence, but the reason for a mate or in your case mates is because you love and look out for each other. It doesn't matter what gender you are it's all the same. You look out for each other and protect each other from physical or emotional hurt. It's okay to mess up sometimes and you'll learn," I advise. Cole thought for a moment. "Did you get that from a fortune cookie?" He asks. "Nope I got it from Lloyd's uncle Wu I call him Sensei though because he's a retired martial arts teacher and it just suits him. He's super wise and old," I said and Cole chuckles as we reached the nurses office. He got bandaged up and as we headed back I asked. "Does it feel better?" "It still hurts," Cole said. I don't know if it was instinct, horomones, or the need to protect, but I gently took his hands and gave them a little kiss.

Cole's mouth opened and he blushes, but I was blushing redder. "I'll see you later," I said and walked away blushing.

No ones POV

One of Morro's betas saw what just happened and growls since his alpha told them to watch Kai and the other three alphas.

"Morro is not going to like this," he said to himself.


"Guys we got to ask Kai out," Cole pleads with Jay and Zane during P.E. Kai was not in that class with them so they were free to talk to each other without fear of embarrassment. Sadly though Morro was in the class and over heard. He walked right up to them and growls. "He is mine so back off or you will regret it," Morro threatens. "He already made it clear he doesn't like you Morro," Jay said. "That doesn't matter reject he's pretty so he's mine it doesn't matter what he thinks," Morro said. "He is not some object for you to flaunt he is a living being," Zane said. "He's a pet I will own," Morro said. "No you won't," they said. "Yes I will," Morro states. "Not if we ask him out first he clearly likes at least Cole," Jay said. "You think I care who he likes? All you need to know is to back off,". Morro said before turning around and leaving. "Okay we have to ask him out now," Jay said. "How about at the steep wisdom," Zane suggests. "Perfect," the other two said.


It was after school and I had just started working at the register when Morro walked in. "What can I get you Morro?" I asked politely. "Listen here and listen good. You are my mate so don't you forget it," Morro said to me. "No I am not I don't have your bite so I'm not yours. So go bye," I said. "You don't have my bite yet," He said before walking out.

I sighed and Lloyd came over rubbing my back. "Sorry he's such a jerk," Lloyd said. "How can such a jerk be related to you?" I asked. "I think it's his father's side," Lloyd shrugs. I hear the ding of the door opening and I look seeing Jay, Cole, and Zane enter. I smiled as they came up to the register. "So what can I get you?" I ask. They looked a little nervous before Jay just blurted out really fast. "Do you want to go on a date with us?" I blinked processing the words. "Can you repeat?" I ask. "We were all hoping you would join us for a date tonight," Zane said. I blinked before smiling. "Sure what time?" I asked feeling butterflies in my stomach. I can't believe it! They asked me they asked me! "Well we were hoping five since there's this new action movie at the theatres," Cole said. "Great," I agree it sounds nice. I was so happy and excited this is going to be fun.


There was a knock on the door and I rushed down to answer it before my parents. Sadly they answered it to see Cole their with Jay and Zane waiting in the car. "Hello how may I help you?" My mum asked. "Oh I'm here for," I quickly intervened. "Me! We're just going to hang out with a few other friends from school," I said. "Is Lloyd coming?" Dad asked. "Yeah we're picking him up next anyway love you bye," I said than quickly left with a confused Cole. "What was that about?" He asks. "My parents are awesome, but if they knew this was a date they would begin pestering about getting marked," I explained and Cole nodded. "Ready?" Jay calls from the car and I nodded.


I had so much fun. The guys are so amazing and awesome and treated me like a person. They even let me pay for the snacks which is something not many alphas let their omegas do.

Their omega

It makes me feel so happy. Of course nothing is official, but I already know that they are my alphas. I feel so happy with them. They pulled up at my house and I said. "Thanks again this evening was so awesome," I said. "It was our pleasure," Zane said. "Yeah you deserve it," Jay said. "Don't tell your parents about me crying when the dog died," Cole said and we all laugh. "Everyone cries at those parts," I said. I gave them each a kiss on the cheek and got out. I walked up to my house as they drove away and unlocked the door using my key. Once I was inside I smelt something off.

I walked into the living room seeing Morro there sitting in the chair with a smirk. "Morro what the hell are you doing here? Where's Nya? Where's my parents?" I asked getting a bad feeling. "Your sister is busy at Lloyd's helping him with his math your parents decided to go on a date night. As for you," Morro's tone became dangerously dark. "I told you that you are mine," He growls. "No I am not now leave before I call the police for breaking in," I said. Morro smirks. "Well if that's what you want I'll leave," he said getting up. "But you should enjoy your freedom while it lasts," Morro said before leaving. I made sure no one else was in the house and called mum and dad. They got home quickly and were going to call the police on Morro, but I stopped them. "It's no use they won't care about one useless omega," I said. "Oh sweetie your not useless," Mum said hugging me tight. I was scared and it was embarrassing, but I cried in to her arms. "Yes I am all you expect from me is to marry a rich alpha," I cried. "Kai we don't think of you as a investment your our child no matter what gender you are," Dad comforts me. "Where did you get that idea?" Mum asks as I calm down. "A teacher at my old school. He said that's what all parents expect from their omega children and the only thing we can do right," I answer. My parents looked at each other. "Son that's wrong whoever said that is sexist. We know you can do great things beyond what society expects from you. We love you for you and don't just expect you to find some rich boyfriend," Mum said. "Really?" I asked. "Yes of course and don't worry we will not let this slide," Dad said. I calmed down a bit and hugged them both tight.

My Omega (polyninja AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt