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The others woke up soon after Cole and it was chaos when they found out Kai had been kidnapped. "Morro he did it!" Nya snaps. "We know that, but the police won't do anything unless we have proof it was him," Ray said. "Isn't Lloyd his cousin? Why don't we see if he can help?" Jay asks. "He's already trying, but Morro is not stupid he isn't letting anyone in his house," Maya answers. "What about Morro's parents?" Zane asks. "Oh don't expect any help from them. I went to them once about Morro harassing Kai and they encouraged it! They believe in those times when a alpha would just kidnap their mate," Nya seethes. "That was nearly three hundred years ago!" Jay exclaims. "We need to find him," Cole said trying to get up before wincing and touching his shoulder. "You are in no condition to leave this hospital," Lou said. "Any of you," Dr. Julien adds looking at Zane. "We will find Kai just try and get better," Maya said. "Your lucky you aren't dead," Ed said quite frankly.

The three looked at each other feeling useless and hopeless.

Two weeks later

I've started nesting and it's hard because I need to be somewhere I feel safe and I don't feel safe in this house or this room. I have no choice though as I turn the bed in to a nest. Morro gave me mostly stuff that smelled like him, but I didn't use any of it. I asked for stuff that smelled like Zane, Jay, or Cole, but I was just slapped and yelled at. They've made it clear they won't hesitate to hurt me. My heat is due in two weeks and my nest is no where near perfect.

"How's the nest coming along my omega?" Morro asks entering the room. "Terrible I need something else," I said. "We are not having another alphas scent in my nest. When I'm fucking your tight wet hole I want you only thinking of me," Morro said and I refrained from shuddering. "Can I at least have something of Lloyd's? He's a beta and having a betas scent that they trust does help the omega have a better nest," I ask. Morro thought for a moment. "Fine I'll have it done. What do you want for lunch?" Morro asks. He got me whatever I ask for food with some adjustments. "A some noodles from Chen's with extra hot sauce?" I request. "You get that almost every day," Morro said. "Chen's noodles are really good," I said. Morro does not look so sure. "Can I please?" I ask in a pleading voice. "Oh alright. You can never say I didn't treat you right, but I'm adding a salad," Morro said nodding his head. He leans down and kisses my lips quickly. He left the room as I got back to making my nest whether I wanted to or not.

The others

The others are at Chen's noodles staring at their cold noodles. They had gotten no leads on finding Kai and his heat was due any day. Morro is still going to school, but they tried getting in to his house during school and they failed terribly. Lloyd had been some help and was able to confirm that Kai was somewhere in the house when Morro started asking a few of the betas and alphas in his pack what Omegas liked best in their nests. He also openly mocked too them saying how good it feels to have a Omega.

"We know it's him, but how are we going to find him?" Jay asks. "I think I can help," a voice said. They looked up seeing a familiar face with green eyes and red hair tied in a pony tail along with a friendly blond too. "Skylar, Lloyd how can you help find Kai?" Zane asks. They sat down next to Cole with a grin. "I know where Kai is and how to get him out of Morro's hands," Skylar said. They all listened in. "Tonight is the night dear aunt and uncle have the family gathering. If Morro has not let us near Kai yet he's definitely not going to let Kai out tonight basically confirming that he was the one who kidnapped him," Lloyd said. "And I know how to get in," Skylar said. "How?" The three ask.

Later that night

"Sorry you can't come to dinner tonight," Morro said. "Yeah because you don't want Lloyd finding me," I snapped. Morro grabbed my chin harshly. "What have I said about talking back?" He asks. "I don't care what you say," I respond. I was already prepared for the blow that happened and I knew it would leave a bruise on my cheek. "Don't talk back slut," he said and threw me on the ground. "Now work on my nest I want it to be perfect as I give you my pups," Morro said than walked away shutting the door behind him.

"It's meant to be ours not just yours. I don't want your pups," I think silently. I work on the nest slowly. I wouldn't be upset if it was taken apart it's no where near my usual nests that are much better. I go on the tv to watch some cartoons while waiting for my dinner. After a hour I hear banging on my door and I turn off the tv scared.

"Did another omega go into heat and cause Morro to rut? Oh god please no,"

I hid in the closet and shut the door just before the door of the room flew open and in came....... my alphas!

They were sniffing the air and the bed clearly looking for me. "Where is he?" Cole growls. I realize they were in alpha mode. I heard this can happen when their mate is threatened. I took a deep breath and opened the closet door. Their heads turned to look at me and when spotting me they paused looking me up and down. I felt a bit self conscious in the revealing dress I was forced to wear that day. Morro said either wear the dress or nothing at all. "Hi," I whisper.

They came and hugged me tightly and I felt safe for the first time in what felt like forever. "Thank god we found you," Jay kisses my forehead. Zane cups my cheek and looks at my face then growls upon seeing the bruise Morro left me. "He hurt you," Zane growls. "I'm fine don't worry," Kai assures, but it did not dismay the other three. "We need to get you somewhere safe," Cole said. "Wait," Jay put and finger under my chin and I realized they were looking at my neck. "He didn't mark me. He's been waiting for my heat he cut off my suppressants and gave me a pill. Even if I have suppressants I will go into heat any day now," I explain. "Come on," Cole picked me up bridal style and I blushed. "I can walk," I said leaving the room in was feels like forever. "Don't care I feel like it," Cole answers.

They carried me outside where I saw police cars and news crews. I made Cole put me down and I saw Morro being put in a police car. He saw me and tried getting to me, but my alphas wrapped their arms around me protectively. "You get away from
our sons omega," Morro's father screeches at me. "I'm not his you old fashioned psycho!" I yelled. Morro was put in the car and I saw Lloyd's family talking to the police and Lloyd waves to me.

"Can I go home?" I asked and they all kissed me. "Yes lets get you home," Zane said.

A week later

"Sweetie," Mum said to me one morning. "Yeah?" I ask. Dad and mum looked at each other than me. "We think you should spend your heat with a alpha," Dad said and I was shocked. "What!? Why?" I asked. "You haven't had a heat in nearly two years. We think it's best if you do this with a alpha for your health," Mum said. "And safety," Dad said. Heats were powerful scent. It wasn't uncommon to see on the news that a alpha or two broke into a house and raped a omega during their heat.

"Us and your sister are going to stay at your uncles for the week. We want you to find a alpha," Mum said. I nodded. "Okay I'll ask the others," I said. They made it clear they want me as their omega, but are we ready for that?

Later with the others

I was with the others in Zane's house. Zane's little brother teased him about having another person in their group and I laughed. I was cuddling with them on the couch and I was nervous.

"Kai is something wrong?" Cole asks. The other two look at me. "Yeah," I answer honestly. "What's wrong?" Zane asks. "I.....I want you to be with me in my heat," I blurted out. The others are quiet and I close my eyes. "It's okay you don't," I was cut off by Jay kissing my lips. "We would be honoured," they said and I smile.

My Omega (polyninja AU)Where stories live. Discover now