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Kai hates being a male omega. It was the worst because there were only like five percent male omegas and like one in a million prime omega at that so he was often picked on, but he had a reputation of punching anyone in the face if they tried anything.

Right now he was working at Steep wisdom his best friend Lloyd worked there with his uncle and helped him get the job. Nya had a job at a repair shop she was always talented with her hands.

"Hey Kai could you cover my shift? I fell behind on my assignments and need to work on them," Lloyd a beta asks his friend. "Can I have the days tips?" Kai asks. "Sure," Lloyd agrees. Kai went to the register and started taking orders. It was a slow day not many customers some new some regulars.

Then a guy with black hair with a green stripe through it, green eyes, and a cocky smile walked in. He wore a bikers jacket and strolled right up to Kai who groaned at the presence of the prime alpha. "So gorgeous when do you get off work? I want to treat you tonight," Morro said. Kai rolls his eyes Morro was Lloyd's cousin on his mother's side of the family and was a arrogant Alpha who thought he could get who he wanted. "Morro no I said it once and I'll say it again. I'm not interested now order or leave," Kai said barely keeping his annoyance in check. "Aww come on don't play hard to get. You shouldn't even be here you should be at my place making a pretty nest for ourselves so your ready for when I mark you and your all mine," Morro said apparently feeling extra cocky and smug today. He eyes Kai's scent glands and licked his teeth. "I would rather impale myself," Kai answers and looked behind Morro to see if there was anyone behind him in line there was not. "Aww can't you just picture it?  big strong prime alpha above you during your heat marking you and giving you the honour of mothering my pups? Come on think about it really. Having three or four pups running around as you stay home to watch them while I provide everything for you," Morro said holding with a smile. Kai didn't really know Morro that well it's just that he was a little fast for him and he always talked about how Kai was perfect for him, but Morro had rumours that he was part of a gang. How someone like Lloyd was related to someone Morro was a mystery. "Just one date? Come on just one date won't hurt right?" Morro asked. "If you leave me alone I'll think about it," Kai agrees and Morro smiles. "I know you'll say yes no omega or beta can resist me," Morro said than walked out the door.

Soon someone else came in. A alpha with a Mohawk and some tattoos. "Hello sir what can I get you?" Kai asked. The guy looked Kai up and down sniffing the air. "Maybe get your number with the coffee gorgeous," the alpha said. "Sorry sir, but you need to order before you start flirting it's my rule," Kai flirts back. When he flirted he got extra good tips. "Nah how about you show me the back?" The man said and Kai drew a line. "Sir please just order," Kai said sternly. The man grumbles, but orders his coffee. When Kai handed it to the man he was pulled forward and the man sniffed his scent glands. "Such a pretty slut you wouldn't mind if I took a quick bite," The alpha said licking them and Kai struggles and kicks. Suddenly the man was punched away.

A guy about Kai's age with green eyes, raven black hair that was styled similar to Lloyd's, tough build, and wore black but definitely was not emo. He looked pissed and was definitely a prime alpha . "Dude I was about to scent mark him," The guy spat getting up as he wiped the blood from his mouth. "Well it looked like he wasn't interested in you so leave now or we might have a crime scene here," The guy said back. The guy growls and looked at Kai. "You won't always be so luck," he said than left steep wisdom. The guy who saved him looked at Kai and his face morphed into concern. "You okay?" He asked. Kai sniffed the air he smelt like freshly planted dirt and flowers. He also didn't get any threatening vibes from him so he just nodded. "Yeah thanks I hate needing help, but he caught me off guard," Kai responded. "I'm Cole why was that guy being such a dick?" Cole asks. "People can be like that he thinks just because I'm a prime omega means he can-" Kai starts before covering his mouth. Cole's eyes were wide. "Your a male prime omega?" Cole asked in shock. "Umm yeah, but get any ideas and I'll pour hot tea on you I've done it before," Kai threatens and Cole laughs. "Wasn't thinking it, but next time someone tries to bite you bite back," Cole said than walked away. "Aren't you gonna order something?" Kai calls after him. "I just came to use the bathroom," Cole replies leaving.

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