The truth

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Louis pov:
I wake up the next morning still in my tux from last night. I was to scared todo anything so I just laid down a cried myself to sleep. How could anyone do this to nora, she's kind hearted and a great girl. But than it hit me, max. He's only one I ever heard of hat would hold a grunge against nora he must have done something to her.
15 min later
I put on black jeans, black vans, with a grey button up shirt, and a denim jacket. (like in the picture.) I check my phone and got a text from harry.
H:hey lad why don't you meet the boys and the girls down at the fields in a few min.
L: I don't know I just kinnda want to be alone.
H: come on trust it'll be fun :)
L: ok fine I'll be down soon.
5mins later
I walk down to the soccer fields where I first laid eyes on nora. I began to feel real empty inside an brain to cry than I feel someone touch my back. it was zayn. "it'll get better lad." zayn said holding my shoulder. "trust me we won't leave your side or Nora's." Amerie said. "I was thinking we could go visit her today." sky said. "sound a great we should get her something like flowers." Niall says. "pink roses are her favorite." I muffle through the tears. "if she's awake I can get her, her favorite drink at starbucks." McKenna says which insist surprising since Seattle has starbucks on every corner. "well we should probably get going." Niall says helping me up.
Nora's pov:
I wake up feeling dazed and confuse. I look around and realize I'm in a hospital room, and theirs a women next to me checking my vitals. "oh good your awake." she says giving me a glass of water an smiling. "I thought you might be thirsty." "um thank you nurse." I look at her name tag, "Tammy but you can call me tam." She says giving me the biggest smile in the world. "ok thank you tam." I say taking a sip of my water. "No problem the doctor will be in ere shortly, I'll be staying with you until you are filling recovered." tam says. "ok thanks." I say.
5 mom later
The doctor probably the same age as tam walks in he has brown hair and brown eyes. "hi nora my name is dr.hood but you can call me Calum." he says smiling at me then looking and tam I can tell he likes her. "well anyway." he says when he notices tam seeing him stare at her,"we took some blood and saw that you had drugs in your system." he says. "now you don't have to be worried but you do have to tell me where you got them." he says sitting on a chair near my bed. "The only thing I remember is feeling dizzy after drinking punch this boy gave me." I said. "and what was his name?" Tam says. "max, max Beckmann." I say. "well he drugged you nora, is you have any idea?" Dr. hood said. "he forced me to drink it wouldn't let me go until I drank it, or he would've hurt me." I said embarrassed. "oh there is nothing to e emabaress about dear, the good news is tat your better now." tam say notice ing I was uncomterble. "We're have to call the cops to tell them what happean your probably going to have to describe max to them once you feel well." dr. Hood says. "um ok." I say worried. "well I have a conference call but fell better and I'll check on you." dr hood says. "ok thank you." "oh I almost forgot my notebook he purposely bending over in front of tam making her roll her eyes and making me laugh.
"Well you should probably get some more sleep." tam says after the doctor left. which belive me is all I wanted to do.
Louis pov:
We come to the hospital with ballons, stuffed animals (zebras Nora's favorite.) ,flowers, chocolate, and her favorite drink from starbucks. "hi we're here to see nora hemmings." I say. "of course right this way." the lady says pointing to the room near the cafe. we walk in to see nora fast asleep in her bed ,not shocking debating the night she just had, and her mom holding her hand with her little sister Stacy close by. "oh hi guys." Nora's mom say hurt. i couldn't fight back the tears I fell on to the chair near her bed and cried. "um Me and Niall will out her drink in Her freezer." McKenna says walking out with niall. "ya me and Harry will walk around." Amerie say exciting with harry." "ya so will we sky says tiled her head to zayn. "plus I have to take Stacy to her soccer practice." Nora's mom says. I was left alone with her. i walk over to her beside where her heart necklace was that I gave her when I asked her to prom. I put in around her neck which was a little challenging since she had a ton of wires in her. just as I say back down a nurse walked it with panic in her eyes.

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