Chapter 10:Shopping!

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Somehow crime has been low for a bit and we're finally off the most wanted list.Hooray!An amazing achievement.

Well actually I'm not sure I am off that list from kidnappers.Ugh.

So we're all going to their favourite diner and then shopping.I have to wear a scanner jammer and be with someone at all times.
I'm not complaining.I would not like to be abducted again,especially since these people are incredibly nice.

Daisy,Simmons and I buy some matching outfits whilst Fitz looked after our previous purchases. Yoyo went to visit her cousin with Mack.May and Coulson were on a date.Well shopping together at this posh vintage store.I'd expect no less of Coulson.He loved his historical artifacts.His office is rather like a museum.

Initially, I felt guilty spending their money but they signed up to this.They kidnapped me.           

My wardrobe had always been extensive ; I don't believe in repeating outfits more than 3 times a year.Call me a diva.I know I am.Besides pretty clothes make me feel pretty. 

They promised that we'd stop by my house sometime to get my belongings,the sooner the better for them.I bought enough to mix and match for a month without needing to wash my clothes. The main reason I want to go home is because I can't wait to bring my designs to life.You see,I have a book of ideas.The lab here is very well-fitted to my cause.I bet Fitz and Simmons would like it.

One thing I'll never get used to is calling everyone by their last names.I personally don't like that much.It's like being defined by who your parents are instead of who you are.So I make sure that everyone is called as they want to be.Another annoying thing is that people mess up my name a lot,I don't care so much about mine anymore but I make sure everyone else's is.

At the end of the seemingly peaceful day,we get some ice-cream and walk to the car.
People in stealth kit,shoot daze bullets(that's what I named them.)Once they've exhausted that,they resort to regular bullets.

Daisy 'quakes' them away whilst a hangar flies overhead raining fire on us.I put up a force-field so that the bullet bounce off.

Out of the corner of my eye I see an soldier who was supposed to be down,raising his rifle to take a shot at the director.I step in front of Coulson to take it if my powers don't kick in and deflect.In fact I was surprised that they did.And quite wished it didn't.

They put me through a psych evaluation.I know how to lie convincingly,so much so the computer programmed algorithms can't pick it up.However Coulson did.

"I'd expect nothing less from a previous 'SPEG' trainee."Coulson says.
"W-what?What's SPEG?"I'm busted I think to myself.

Recruited //AoS(agents of S.H.I.E.L.D)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora