Chapter 31: performance

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((Ladies and gentlemen this is the moment you've waited for... (to be sung in Brendon Urie's version of the greatest show song) ))

"Team 25,are you in position?"I ask through the new water comms.To sum up Apah is incredibly cool so she made us water-jelly comms which activated when we put a drop of water in our ears.

"Yes we are.Bria reporting."Bria said(the brave girl in the crowd).I've made her leader of the odd teams as well as that team.

"Alright striker,on my signal drop the distractions."I took a breath and counted to 3.This would be it."Now!"

We went into ghost-mode and raced for the heart.

"Even teams,I want you securing everyone now. T minus 15 seconds to heart."I said clearly as I could,attempting not to sound too out of breath.This is the longest I've ever kept this up.

"On it."Hazelline said confidently.She's leading the even teams whilst Mev is high commander of both. Choosing leaders was the easiest part,it's getting everyone else to work as a unit that's the challenge.

I released control over our densities just in time for Ariefli and Teki took out the Kree man in the swivel chair with a swift blow to his fontanel with a broken bathroom pipe they'd brought with them.

"I'm releasing the doors in 60 seconds."




The overlapping voices protest against each other as wasteful punches are thrown.The people not on our team decide to further complicate the situation by hitting the Kree soldiers who are now moving from their position to defend themselves. However it provided cover for our strikers to secure themselves by the buttons.

I guess what they say is true,everything happens for a reason.

"Hazelline stick to your task and do not engage with the opposition,secure the people. Mev deal with the hindering conflict. Bria communication,I can barely hear you talking to your team. Come on everyone! 30 seconds."I breathe shakily.This is the most dangerous part."15 seconds,exterior commanders are you all secure? Announce your number if you are."


"2 in."

"6 secure."

"12 fixed."






"What about 20?20 can you hear me?"

"We're in."

I slam the big red button with everything I had."Doors open.Strikers close it as soon as they are out. I will give you 20 seconds."

"Wait!This door isn't closing! Faran is stuck right next to it!"A voice said urgently.

"Which team is this?" I said,sweat dripping down my face.

"Team 16,go to 14's aid."I say diverting them.

"The current is way too strong.If we go near we will get sucked out.Rhiy come back.It's no use."

"Okay."I said as calm as one could be,"Ariefli,Teki, you get to the north wing and see if you get signal from the Terrans.Team 22 come to the heart."

I ran in my ghost form and it felt like I was on fire. The pressure was excruciating.

"Hello Farran."I said inching along a pipeline,gritting my teeth.

Come on. Think! Oh right. I forgot I could do that. I solidified the few particles left inside near the door,forming a shield.

I punch the stubborn button and door finally shuts and we dropped to the floor."Come on Farran."

I grabbed his ashen hand and we sprinted to the north wing where the battle had commenced against the remaining Kree soldiers.

They streamed out the blue vapour in attempt to immobilise us however we were only disarmed of sight as were they.Thank goodness for our blue immunity.

"Quick.Everyone crawl or climb.Get to a level they are not." I said getting on my hands and knees.

"Ki-Kiara."A crackled voice said.I knew that voice. I'd ben praying to hear it for the last 3 weeks."Daisy!"I shouted in joy.

"Kiara!It's so good to hear you! Hang in there, we've just finished docking.Also your comms may go out any moment.It's a surprise Apah kept it up this long anyway."

"Okay.Everybody comms are gonna go out soon so the next step is to get to the end of this corridor.Help is on the way. The terrans will board you there.See you on the other side everyone."I said empoweringly and the comms went out.

Just a little longer.

I made my density negligible once more and snaked through grabbing those most in need. A smart person would have displaced at least one the Kree soldiers' organs but I was still afraid of hurting other people.

Get over yourself.This is a battle.I'm tired.Keep going.You've gone longer.I have.Yes you have,or are you choosing to ignore that time- We're ignoring it.

I pump my arms and legs faster transpoting as many as I can and for once I wish I was taller than 5ft 4. Stop.Take a break.No.

I push through,grabbing three 6 year olds and dragging someone my age along,'ghosting' all of us, giving them no warning. My jaw is clenched too tight to speak.

The fight begins to get bloodier as some of them swallow a black liquid vial which fills them with murderous rage.

I dump my passengers and sprawl out on the floor putting the section of the shield up again.I notice that the person my age I rescued was in fact Skylar so I made sure to throw him a look of disgust.

604,that's how many I got out but there were still more.

A line of Kree warriors stand right in front of my shield making it impossible for the rest of team to get through and now without comms.If we don't act fast it will turn into a bloodbath. Up you stupid body!

Tears blur my vision as I attempt to push myself up onto my elbows.A familiar pair of shoes enters my vision,"Daisy."I said weakly.

"Kiara.It's okay you can relax now, we're here."Daisy said patting my head,letting me relax on the floor.

"Go."I whisper,clutching my aching, well everything.Was this my limit?

I took in the air but in never seemed to reach my cells.It feels like the end. This should be it and I'd be glad.

They say your life flashes in front of your eyes but really you're just trying to remember as much as you can for the journey to come.

I wanted to say something sassy but I don't havethe energy to."Thank you."I said to the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D,the last thing I remember is Mack passing me to Yoyo.

It's been a long day.

((And that it's for now everybody :) I am sorry to cause you pain or am i? hehhehe. Hope you enjoyed it! We have a few chapters left of this book,thank you for joining me on this journey <3 <3))

Recruited //AoS(agents of S.H.I.E.L.D)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя