Chapter 14:SPEG mission (final part)

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Now I'm up. Where do I go? How do I get out?

Another open window but without a ladder. A pile of hay is at the bottom and I hope I won't break my bones landing.

I hear shots fired in the distance and James groaning in pain. I guess it's just me now.There! The other guy is waiting for a helicopter to land and hasn't bothered to put the yellow file away. He seems to be searching for something in his pockets. Perhaps he wants to burn it? He seems 400m out.

I step onto the ledge. Footsteps thunder all around me and hear someone telling me to stop. I jump off and tuck in.

Falling feels weird. It's like someone's grabbing my stomach down and I have to follow.I am so glad I don't have a fear of falling or heights or that would've been a thousand times worse. I never want to do that again however at the same time it was fun.

Oof! I've created a small crater in the pile of hay. These bruises won't fade for weeks.I really hope I haven't cut myself somehow, how would I explain that to my concerned parents?

I clamber out of the hay and sprint, not bothering about the hay covering my body or the many near falls.I hurtle toward him at lightning speed. At least it feels like it. I can practically see all his bodyguards react in slow motion.

A kung-fu-panda-like expression appears on my face as I have somehow built enough momentum to vault the bodyguard's shoulders and landed on the guy's shoulder.

Wow that's impressive.

I pulled his hair and he screamed in pain. May I add this was 12 times cooler as I hadn't planned or prepared for any of this until 3 seconds earlier and did not mean to land on his shoulders. The guards come to their senses and try to grab me off their boss. In all this confusion I've grabbed the yellow file and crawled through on of the guard's legs and started running back to the bike.

A bullet skims past my shoulder. Fudge.Another one finds its target and lodges into my exposed right shoulder. FUDGE.OWWW. I dropped the file in shock. I bend down to pick it up with my left and carry on my sprint. I can't stop now. 

Our beautiful S.P.E.G issued bike stands invitingly. There's nowhere to hold the file, I put it between my teeth. Gross? Completely. But desperate times call for desperate measures. 

I start the bike. The first real one. This was going to be interesting.

The wind caressed my hair, pulling some tendrils out to float and dried the sweat drenching my back.I breathe hard , trying to regain oxygen as the file cuts into the edges of my mouth.


I reach a city a see no one behind me. I thought I'd lost them but I'm wrong. I press the bright red SOS button on my too large bulletproof vest. My comms were automatically connected to Maria's. 

"What's going on?"

"I'm in a city. Their helicopters following me and I got shot a while back. It kinda hurts."I spill, momentarily putting the file under my right arm. This means I have to steer completely with my left,which I'm not used to. Damn that hurts. Everything effing hurts.The weird thing is I felt it was alright to curse in languages other than English.

"What DO YOU MEAN?!"She practically screamed in my ear.Ouch. "This was supposed to be a simple and safe mission Fury!" she said off the phone to Fury. There was a brief silence then elevator music for about 30 seconds until she resumed the call.

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