Chapter 9:trypanophobia

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I gasped and sat up.Sweat was drenched through my shirt and the vending machine was in smithereens.

Never again.

That was a painful episode of sleep,perhaps if I didn't keep putting it off,it wouldn't have to be so long.

I rushed to the toilet and threw up the contents of my stomach.I suppose this porcelain throne would be my home for the day.


What seemed like ,many hours later, I re-entered the bedroom.Daisy was sitting on the edge of the sofa,glancing around with a stressed expression.

I ran to hug her but accidentally phased through.After I solidified,I gave her a proper hug and apologised profusely.

"Hey it's ok.I'm ok...But by the looks of things you don't seem too great."Daisy said.

"I'm fine."I lied,stealing a glance at the spot where the vending machine would've stood.All the bits and pieces had been removed.

"No I already decided that you're not.Simmons is en route to check up on you and I will be here the whole time.Okay?"Daisy said.

"Okay."I mumbled back,fidgeting with my sleeve.

20 minutes were spent trying to get a needle in my arm.
I phased through,ran away,accidentally solidified air and broke more furniture.

Hating needles would be an understatement.
I suppose I should be used to them,but I just can't seem to.
The aversion had always existed,now it was amplified after my recent experiences.

"What's the diagnosis doc?" I ask,using my chance to quote one of my favourite childhood tv shows(operation ouch).

"Kiara just needs plenty of rest and nutritious food. Her powers seem to drain her so she will need to try to refrain from using them purposely.Also you're body temperature is unusually high,higher than an average fever.However it doesn't seem dangerous to you."Simmons said,analysing the report.

I huffed.Daisy may stop my access to the vending machine.However I could sweet-talk May or Mack.

Mack would be harder to convince.

Everyone tells me that May isn't that nice to everyone,I find that hard to believe.Also I had no idea her first name was Melinda.I was tempted to call her Mellie but decided that I'd rather not find out about her other side.

A week later,Simmons deemed me fit enough.
I decided I wanted to see this lab of theirs.

Fitz-Simmons talked at a rate that was a little hard to comprehend, as I was only top of the middle of my class because I never bothered to put in more work than I needed to.I mostly just used my natural affinity and delved only into thugs I was interested in,which results in random banks of knowledge.

They gave me a little reading to do.

It was more than a little.

Not to brag,but I know I'm a pretty quick reader.I can do an A4,size 11 font in 15 seconds.

I'm also ambidextrous.

It's incredibly useful in tests when I get tired of writing with one hand and helps me think from a different angle.

I also met their dashing grandson. Deke Shaw,the guy who became a millionaire in a year.

I'm surrounded by such inspiring individuals,I feel like I'm really lazy.Alright I am. I just don't have the motivation to achieve.Especially not now.I don't have the motivation to stay alive.I'm only here because I can't seem to die yet.

I met Yoyo.She is inhuman and her powers are super cool ; she has metal arms! Must've been painful losing them ,but metal arms are incredibly useful and awesome.
I would not like to be on the receiving end of that punch.

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