Chapter 18: flappy ear,not flappy bird

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If Anaiya looked after the agents of shield on this ship and her duty extends to those they look after then isn't she everyone's guardian?

Nope I absolutely don't get it.

Daisy lets herself in,"Kiara! You're finally going to get to do something!"I don't know what she said but this is what I heard.

"You're going to monitor and extract details from Apah Swinski."

I shot up out of bed."Really?"

"Yes!Now get ready,also be careful."

"Is she the one who looked human?"I asked,pausing my speed walk to the bathroom.

"Technically she's inhuman,just like us."Daisy corrected,"I'll see you outside in 10 Kiara."


11 and a half minutes later, the Spongebob narrator voice in my head said.

"You're late."Daisy said."Come on."

"By just 1 and a half minutes."

She sighed and let it go. If I was ever on time,now that would be a miracle.The problem is that if I feel mildly close to being on time,I find myself procrastinating.It's either that or I'm an hour early.There's no in between.

She led me through the corridor to the sealed entrance of another containment chamber."Right,now listen carefully.Your going to try and do three things.1)Find out her powers, 2)gain a little bit of her trust and 3) personal details. Not necessarily in that order."

Manipulative but necessary.

"When you come out,you need to assess how much of a threat she is.You'll write a detailed report on your findings from the recording. You're going in there unarmed except your powers,whether or not you tell her is up to you.Sometimes it's useful to have a card up your sleeve.Are you ready?"

"... Daisy you just spoke about a million miles a minute,how am I going to remember all of that?"

"Okay.Okay.I'm sorry,I'm just a little nervous."She put her tablet down on the ledge and wiped her sweaty palms on her leggings.

Truthfully, I'm the one who should be nervous. But I've never had any regard for personal safety and I'm not going to start now.

I stepped forward and gave Daisy a hug.Daisy was incredibly yet pleasantly surprised,"Oh... we doing this now? Um. Okay."

"I'll be fine Daisy."I said pulling apart.

"I know.I know.I just- .*sigh*."Daisy paused for a second and then continued,"Here.Wear this.I'll be on the other end."

"Eww.It looks like an ear."
"Trust me it's a Bluetooth and the skin is fake."

I took it uncertainly.It felt all flappy and weird. It was also oddly cool and jelly-like.Eugh.

I stuck it on my left ear and tugged it a few times to make sure it didn't fall off.

"Give your head a little shake."

I did and the it held firm.Thank goodness. I didn't fancy touching the material again.

Daisy let a breath out and knocked before the hatch slid up and open.

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