Chapter 7:the director

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((A summary of last chapter if you decided to skip the end:

Kiara put herself in a bubble and suffocated herself,which led to Kiara passing out.Daisy 'quaked' the bubble apart  but then energy blasted from it, so everyone except Fitz-Simmons ,who had anticipated it,got thrown against the walls(knocked unconscious.) 

Simmons revived Kiara. :)) as you can tell,my summarising skills have a huge room for improvement.))

"Kiara.Do you know why you've been called in today?"the American man who-looks-a- little-older-than-my-dad asks.

It's like I'm back at school and the Headteacher has called me in."Because I hurt your team?"

"Yes.And because I wanted to get to know you."

Huh.Interesting."To know what floats my boat..."I accidentally say aloud."Alright,then I want to know you too."

"Deal.I'll start,I'm Phillip Coulson, director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Hello Mr Coulson.I'm Kiara Darren,not even the director of my own life."I said,realising how that actually sounded.I cringe a little internally. "When's your birthday?"I feel the need to know everyone's birthdays.I feel bad if I miss them.

"8th of July."

"You probably know mine already."

"You're right I do."A moment of silence passes as he inspects me.I would hold his gaze but it seems like he can look into my soul.I feel all the layers peeling away.It's a little uncomfortable so I pick an object to stare at,it's a pen.Unfortunately it melts - well the kinetically charge it by accident,which causes it to melt- so I quickly shift my eyes to my nails.I can feel myself flickering.It's a new habit,flickering when nervous.

"Why do you  dislike scientists?"

My muscles tensed up."They think they're working for the ultimate good and often forget the costs in between.They don't usually think I'm a person.What-"I halt.I could probably guess that.

"Go ahead."

"What are your top 3 fears?"I blurted out.

It was Coulson's turn to tense up.This girl could use the information against him.

"Would you tell me yours in turn?"

I thought for a bit."No but you can ask me two questions instead?"

"I think I'll pass.Ask me a different one."

"What's it like to be a part of S.H.I.E.L.D?"

Ah.So the girl was interested in the job.She's trying to get pros and cons.Coulson thought.Hopefully this would be a useful response."Sometimes there are really hard choices that need to be made,that I don't like.Sometimes it gets real tough and I feel like quitting."he took a pause."But it's always worth it.You get to be a shield,a hero.Make a good difference."

I nodded thoughtfully,staring at the floor.Luckily it didn't melt.

"Why do you think the cult kidnapped you?"Coulson asked boldly.After seeing the haunted look,he felt bad and said,"Optional question but it could be key to finding out why you were so wanted?"

I nod and then answer,"They needed an unaccounted body for a blood ritual.But..."

"But?"Coulson pressed,leaning forward.

"They said something about a prophecy."I mumbled."I don't believe in that anyway."

"Do you remember their exact words?"

How could I not?They carved into my flesh and chanted the stupid so-called prophecy and bloody worshipped me."Blood spilt give us not only immunity,but strength.The protector.Respect for the martyr.Helper.Rise above the ashes.The girl who can travel through all.Survivor."

"In that order?"

"Probably.And they kept saying 'wilancha' which means sacrifice in or martyr in Quechua.Their chanting was in quechua too.I looked it all up when I escaped them."

"Quechua?So incan?That's interesting."Coulson sipped from his travel mug.

That response caught my attention.I assessed him.He understood I wasn't here for the pity party.He treated me as capable person,not a sorry child.

Then I observed the molecular densities in the room.The man had a metal arm and there was a secret door here.I'm going to check it out later."You have a prosthetic arm.I can that it's different.What can it do?"

Coulson grinned.He liked his new toys.Coulson showed her the shield,which Kiara couldn't phase through, and the other cool modifications.

I yawned.It's been a long day.

"You tired?"Coulson felt guilty for tiring her out with his intrusive questions,but that was his job.

"A little."I admitted.

"I'll walk you to your room."Coulson said.

The conversation became more casual and light-hearted.Kiara found out his middle name was Jay,she'd guessed James.Kiara's middle name is Giovanna – only her grandma calls her that or Gia for short.They discussed favourite foods and Kiara put forward her requests.

There was a list:

Snacks in my room

Learn how to fight,without powers(It would've been so useful)

A tablet to play games on and more board games to play with Mack

Whiteboard pens and permission to draw on the walls of the room(it really needed colour,I wouldn't even mind black,but white was like a hospital.)The plainness was sickening.

Notebook and pencil

If I'm going to be here for the foreseeable future then I might as well make myself comfortable.

Coulson promised to accommodate as much as possible.

The next day I had a free vending machine in my room and self-defence classes with May.

She was nice to me and talked me through it all patiently.And she said I was a quick learner.That made me happy.

Now I can kick as*.

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