Chapter 11:SPEG Flashback

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((Disclaimer:any references or similarities to real people are merely coincidental.Where do my ideas come from?Once upon a crazy dream the prophet blessed me with a vision.So forgive me readers.Hope you enjoy! :) ;) ))

Sophie and I sit fidgeting in the school minivan.

Our headteacher says it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

It's only us here.Out of everyone they wanted us?Particularly me?

I get bored and start wandering around,reading manuals and pulling things apart.My friend Sophie tells me off and makes me put everything back together.

I've considered opening the skylight and sitting on the roof.Sophie reminded me of the low profile we'd been instructed to keep.

Hours pass,Sophie decides to go find the headmistress but she's MIA.

We've been instructed to not contact anyone about the arrangement.Letters have already gone home saying we're  being given an opportunity to do some in-school work experience.

It's early summer term.The minivan would've become a sauna if it hadn't been parked in the shade of the sports hall.

It's lunchtime now.Students traipse between the buildings,we sit on the floor of the minibus so we're not spotted.I do it so my other friends don't feel left out or jealous.Sophie does it to keep the arrangement's secrecy and implied specialness.She's the lawful friend.In d'n'd we say she's lawful evil.

It's widely accepted that I'm chaotic neutral.

I read on my phone whilst Sophie reads an actual book.

We leave to go to the loos and return.

Horror floods our faces as we realise our bags have disappeared.

Luckily I carry most of my important stuff in my blazer.We'd taken our water bottles for refil.So hydration is not going to be a problem.

We scout the school individually to see if it was a prank,careful to avoid people we know - that wasn't difficult as everyone was in lesson.The last period of the day finishes and we return to minivan."Any luck?"she asks."No."We stare around,contemplating our next move.I'm certain it's some sort of test.I can feel myself deflating a little.Why does everyone wish to assess teenagers?

There!In my peripheral vision I see a figure,all in black dart to the front of the vehicle.I race to the front,holding a craft knife that I found on the floor earlier. I just tend to pick stuff up and keep it. Finders keepers ,losers weepers.Plus I think it was already stolen.Looks suspiciously like the one I saw in the art department ,last Friday.

The figure is gone and the doors are locked.

We try the windows and find all of them are.Whoever it was did it whilst we were out.We'd been robbed and trapped."Why?"I voice the question pounding my head."Do you want to get out or wait till morning?""I know it's unsafe at night but I'd rather we had the control."Sophie nodded at my implication.

I brought out a tiny notebook and one of my emergency pens.I like to have things on me,in case of emergency all the time.People say,"What could happen?"

I'd reply,"Anything."

We jotted down our ideas:

    ◦    Make a fire,melt through glass,then break into school  or walk to a friend's house.(hand sanitiser, and light and glasses)    ◦    Try something with craft knife    ◦    Call the school hotline    ◦    Call the police    ◦    Smash the glass and go to the woods.    ◦    Pick a lock

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