Saturday: Crown Prince Royce

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"I am done, Your Royal Highness." Rita, my hairstylist, says softly behind me.

"You are excused. Tya, would you be a dear and fetch me and my guest some tea?"

I wait until there's only the two us before saying, "I don't know we would be meeting your mother today."

Royce fixes his gaze on me, a pained expression in his face. "I know, I am truly sorry. I, too, only just found out this morning. I've been, uh, preoccupied with some things these days. For what it's worth, if I can help it, I wouldn't let the two of you meet. But what's done is done, so I can only hope you'll pay her words no mind, Jenny."

"You know I can't promise you that."

Royce hangs his head and sighs. "Prince Napoleon called me earlier today."

"So he said."

"I reckon you'd need some space after our afternoon tea, if not breaking up with me on the spot."


"So I thought ... at least I can be sure you're not alone with him escorting you."

I shake my head. "I don't understand, Royce ...."

Royce looks at me in the eyes and smiles sadly. "Just know that whatever it is mum's spouting, it has absolutely nothing to do with my behaviour toward you. Not now, not ever. It was never a decade-long plan, unlike our relationship. And ...."

I raise my hand to stop him. "I promise I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Okay?"
Royce is a bit cold and hard to read sometimes, but I at least know he is his own man. And if my uncle has taught me anything, it's that you don't define someone by their parentage.

Royce smiles, his face a bit brighter. "Let's go."


"...I'm sure you're aware that Primavara lacks in military as Orinh in resources. But, together, Orinh and Primavara will rip Magnemt of its dictatorial glory, and your and my son's marriage will seal the deal. What do you think, princess? Isn't it beneficial for both kingdoms?" Queen Donna sips her tea loudly. "It doesn't hurt that you're childhood sweethearts. I'd say it's destiny!"

"With all due respect, Queen Donna, there are other kingdoms that have been proposing alliances to me. I'll keep yours in mind, but I can't promise you anything."

"Nonsense! What better alliance than to strengten your kingdom? As the future queen, you must put your people first."

"Mum ...."

I smile diplomatically. "Past sentiments aside, I'd say Wondera and Magnemt will serve the same purpose to Primavara. And who knows? The Kingdom of Tomborne has been prospering lately. It doesn't hurt that my uncle dates one of the princes. Wouldn't you say it's destiny?"

Royce laughs under his breath. "Cheeky."

"I try." I whisper back, maintaining a neutral expression.

"Oh, but what kind of marriage could possibly be between two same sexes?" said the queen, unimpressed.

"I wouldn't go there if I were you." I hiss, blood a bit boiled. My uncle's orientation is a sensitive subject to me.

"But, it's true! Don't you read your bible, dear? It's—"

I stand. "I would not hear anyone disrespecting my uncle for who he is. If you can't at least do that on the ground of Primavara, you may leave."

Queen Donna holds my gaze. She looks like she has much to say. Oh, how I dare her.
Behind me, I could feel my entourage is on the move.

Reading into the situation, Royce stands and takes my hand. He faces his mother and says firmly, "Mum, drop it. Do you expect me to stand idly by if someone insults you?"

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