19. The Dream

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Zavoyevatel walked down to his laboratory, a skip in his step. He set his tome down and walked over to the cribs he'd created just yesterday. He went to the one nearest him and gently pulled the covering back to reveal her. His greatest creation. He gently reached in and picked her up, wrapped in soft black cloth that matched her dense, short fur.
"Wake up my child, we've work to do," he whispered softly. The bundle of fur and claw unwrapped itself as she yawned and smiled up at him, one of her ears laid backwards against her head as she grinned, showing her razor sharp teeth.
"Oh my, you've got new teeth!" Zavoyevatel said softly, tickling her belly as he walked towards the stairs.
"What of the other one?" Someone asked from behind him.
"Put her in stasis, in the north. She is... imperfect. My child must be perfect for this task," The God-King said. He took one loving glance back at the small bundle of pale skin with brilliant green eyes that lay in the second crib.
"I'm sorry, little one. But this is a burden no human could ever bear, and one I do not bestow lightly. I know you won't understand, but someday, perhaps, I will come for you, my daughter," he said softly as his servants placed a device around the crib and activated it. He bit his tongue to keep from commanding them back, as he desperately wanted to hold his daughters, together, for one last time. But he had work to do.
"Come my darling. We'll see to your sister later," Zavoyevatel said, touching the tip of his daughter's nose gently. She giggled and grabbed onto his finger and began chewing on it, trying out her new teeth.
"What to call you, little beast?" He asked himself as he walked up the stairs towards his cathedral.
"I know... Matilda," Zavoyevatel said kindly as he embraced her.

He raised Matilda by his own hand, keeping her from the world outside. He sat with her as she slowly learned to read, and was always astonished by how quickly she grasped advanced concepts. By the time she was four, she was using advanced telekinesis, and by the time she was six she was a match for the most powerful mages in the God-King's court.
"Now, when you are battling a magic user, what do you look for?" Zavoyevatel asked, pacing around her as she turned to keep him in sight.
"I watch for the air to move around them, and wait for their muscles to tense," Matilda said, her sweet voice echoing across the courtyard.
"Precisely," Zavoyevatel said, casting a bolt of lightning at her. But Matilda had moved before he finished casting it, and the bolt missed her by several feet.
"Well done, Matilda. Again!" He shouted in joy, casting bolts of lightning at her in rapid succession. But Matilda was too swift, and too well-trained to be touched. Each bolt missed her by a mile.
"You can't catch me, old man!" She teased, leaping over another bolt.
"Well done, child. It seems you've nothing more to learn about this. But there are more lessons to be had," Zavoyevatel said, straightening his gown as Matilda walked up next to him.
"Daddy?" She asked as she took his hand.
"Yes, my darling?" Zavoyevatel said, taking her towards his library.
"What is all this for?" She asked, stopping and tugging at his hand.

Zavoyevatel felt a tug at his heartstrings, and stopped walking. He held her hand tighter, and slowly sat down in the courtyard.
"Come to me child," he said softly.
"What is it?" She asked, sitting on his lap.
"It's time I told you a secret, one I learned years ago," Zavoyevatel began.
"What's that?" Matilda asked, excited as she bounced on his knee.
"The world beyond these walls, my child, is a wicked, evil place. Filled with anger, hatred and violence. But I am not training you for that," Zavoyevatel began. He felt a lump in his throat, but continued anyway.
"But beyond these walls there is also power, unimaginable power. But power corrupts, my daughter. I am the most powerful thing in Ak-Dovurak, and nothing can touch me, not even the old gods themselves hold a candle to your father," Zavoyevatel said.

Matilda looked into his eyes, attentively, her own eyes sparkling with pride and wonder.
"I know you are daddy. You're as strong as they get, right?" She asked, grinning at him.
"Yes, darling, I am. But listen to me. Power isn't everything. A good ruler, a good king, must know when to abdicate his power. Do you know what that word means?" He asked.
"To give up, right?" Matilda asked, still grinning at him.
"Exactly. A good ruler must know when to surrender his power, to step down. But... Sometimes they don't. And that's where..." Zavoyevatel stopped to gather himself.
"That's where what, daddy?" Matilda asked softly, holding his hand as she saw a tear form in his eye.
"I'm sorry," Zavoyevatel said softly, wiping his eye.
"Be strong daddy. You're the God-King. Nothing makes you cry," Matilda said, holding his hand tightly.
"You're right, my child," Zavoyevatel said, clearing his throat.
"Sometimes they don't, and...?" Matilda prompted.
"And that's where you come in, my daughter," Zavoyevatel said.
"Me?" Matilda asked, astonished and excited.
"Yes, my daughter. You will be my king-slayer. You will track down those who won't surrender their power, and you will end them. Tomorrow, we will begin a series of enchantments. They will be intense, so I want you to go to bed early tonight, and rest well," Zavoyevatel said, brushing the hair back from her face.
"What will they be for, daddy?" Matilda asked.
"They will let you seek out power, from any distance, and hone in on that power. They will also strip away all the parts of you that would keep you from hunting them down," Zavoyevatel said.
"I'll be your little hunter then!" Matilda said, hugging him.
"Yes, yes you will," Zavoyevatel said, fighting back tears. He wondered if she would ever realize what she was really meant to do.

The Voidbreak Crisis: Part 2; The Rise Of Ak-Dovurak.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt