13. Change of Plans

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Nichole turned around suddenly, and to her surprise, a blade sprung out of her mechanical palm, as long as her forearm. Towering over them was a giant man, at least fifteen feet tall, wearing nothing but a kilt made of animal fur and a cloak around his shoulders made of dense leather. He held a massive claymore sword, still in it's sheath, on his shoulder. The blade was ten feet long, and at least a foot and a half wide. He was thick with muscles, and barrel chested as he stared down at them from behind his massive bushy brows and frowned. His dense beard twitched once when Nichole spun around, but that was the extent of his reaction.

"Who are you?" Nichole demanded, her claws springing out as the blade retracted.
"You will answer my questions first, young one," the giant commanded.
"Who is this 'She' you seek?" He demanded, his grip on the claymore tightening subtly. Nichole didn't want to know how fast he could swing that blade, even if she could dodge it.
"We're hunting a mass murderer, and the current element of darkness. The Third Nosferatu, Matilda, the Witch Queen of Ak-Dovurak," Chip said. The giant seemed nonplussed by this, and simply stroked his beard slowly.
"Who?" He asked after a few moments.
"The vampire queen? Matilda?" Nichole asked. How had he not heard of her? How far had they gone?
"I'm no historian, young one. But I take it this Matilda is a dangerous individual?" He asked.
"Incredibly," Chip answered.
"And you've two people?" He asked.
"We are, one might say, specifically suited to the task," Nichole said, the blade in her palm springing forth again as she raised her hand.
"Indeed," the giant said, raising one of his massive eyebrows.
"And this Witch Queen, what species is she?" He asked.
"She's a wolven wilderfolk, roughly six feet tall, slender build, with pitch black hair and fur. Well, save for a silver spiral of fur on one of her arms," Nichole said.
"I've seen the creature you speak of, but I doubt she is the person you say she is. Might I ask, who sent you?" He asked, stroking his beard still.
"Zavoyevatel sent us. Where is she?" Nichole asked, feeling her heart beating faster as fury began boiling inside of her.
"The God-King? He's back? Interesting..." The giant said, looking down at Nichole.
"Where is she!?" Nichole shouted at him.
"Yelling at me won't make me more forthcoming, young one," The giant said calmly.
"Nichole, save it," Chip said softly. Nichole walked away in fury as Chip approached the giant.
"This woman has cost us both something dear. She murdered my best and closest friend, and she murdered Nichole's best friend and first love," Chip said. The giant stroked his beard softly.
"I will tell you where she is," he said after a few moments if silent contemplation.

"Show me to her," Nichole seethed, walking back up to him.
"But I can tell you now, this woman you seek, she is not as she seems. Something has changed in her. Truthfully, I knew of the Witch Queen before you described her to me, but I did not believe the woman in the tunnels beneath us could be her. I've read of the Third Nosferatu in my time here, but that woman, she is not who you seek. And killing her will not bring satisfaction. I believe there is more to the story than you know," the giant said.
"How do we get to her?" Nichole demanded, her voice becoming a guttural growl.
"Go through the library in the center of town, take care around the books, they are centuries old, and meticulously maintained," the giant said. With a sudden rush of wind, Nichole was gone, leaving Chip standing there. He sighed and turned to the giant.
"My name is Chip, Chip VoidSmith," He said, bowing briefly.
"I am Khal'Thass, of the Thirteenth Clan. Pleased to meet you," Khal'Thass said, bowing briefly as well.
"Take care, Chip'Chip VoidSmith," Khal'Thass said, walking away. Chip rolled his eyes and took off towards the town.

Prism and Pulse stood between Siren and Matilda as she stared at the ground in shame, unable to look them in the eye.
"Sounds like it was self defense to me," Jake said from the hammock.
"He was trying to kill her, after all. Perfectly understandable, really," Morgana piped up.
"Hush you," Pulse snapped harshly.
"We don't have time for this!" Siren shouted, her voice echoing through the tunnels, making even Matilda jump. Siren stormed into the middle of the group between Pulse, Prism and Matilda.
"She was defending her fucking life!" Siren shouted at them, her voice creating another pulse of energy.
"They were sent to kill her, and she was protecting herself, and trying to get to her daughter! It was either kill one of them, or let them kill her! And you two are a couple of fucking hypocrites!" Siren shouted at Pulse and Prism, as hot tears ran down her cheeks.
"Pulse! You turned Redhand's brains to soup to keep him from following us! And you!" Siren said, staring at Prism as her eyes glowed bright red. Prism winced as she felt her fur heat up subtly.
"I saw you burn a man's eyes out of his skull, and melt the helmet to the back of his fucking head!!" She shouted at Prism.

The Voidbreak Crisis: Part 2; The Rise Of Ak-Dovurak.Where stories live. Discover now