4. Morgana

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The storm never relented it seemed. The cloud of debris spun endlessly through the air above them, with mountain sized stones floating effortlessly far above them. Their host didn't seem to mind their presence, but neither did he make any effort to accommodate them.
"What are we going to do?" Prism wondered aloud, huddling next to Pulse tightly underneath the overhang of what seemed to be an ancient ship of some sort.
"I don't know. It's thousands of miles to home... even moving as fast as I can, it'd take months, years maybe," Pulse whispered, staring up at the raging storm above them.

Bolts of brilliant rainbow lightning arced through the dust storm above them, casting massive shadows of beasts down onto the ground nearby.
"We have to try something. We can't just sit here, can we?" Prism said softly, looking over at the massive mechanical creature that stood near the ship.
"You think he can help?" Pulse asked, looking over at it as well.
"It has to be able to do something. What harm could come from asking it?" Prism whispered. Pulse nodded and pushed himself to his feet. It had been two days now, with no food, no water, save what dripped from the clouds above. They were tired, hungry, and terrified. It was this or death.

"Hey!" Pulse shouted up to it, amplifying his voice to a cannon shot. The mechanical beast didn't respond.
"YO!" Pulse shouted at it, casting a massive shockwave from his throat. It was unresponsive still.
"We need some help!" Pulse shouted at it.
"We need to get home! And we can't do that on our own!" He shouted at it.
"Please!! At least acknowledge me!" He screamed at it, his voice shaking the dust from it's massive frame. Still nothing.

Pulse sat down in the dense dust covering the floor and rubbed his head. He was at his wit's end. He'd tried everything in the past two days. But past it's initial greeting the creature no longer took notice of them. And no magic he could summon seemed to affect it. He heard Prism walk up behind him, and pushed himself to his feet again.
"We're gonna die here," Prism said softly.
"No we're not," Pulse said firmly, grabbing her shoulders gently.
"We're gonna go that way," Pulse began, pointing into the distance.
"And we're gonna find some help, or some food, or something," he said, hugging her.
"What if we don't?" Prism asked softly, holding him tightly.
"We will," Pulse whispered as a tear ran down his cheek. He wouldn't blame her for not believing him, he didn't believe himself.

He heard a faint cackling noise far in the distance, as his ears stood on end and he froze.
"What is it?" Prism asked softly.
"I hear laughter," Pulse said, listening intently.
"That's creepy," Prism whispered under her breath. Pulse amplified every sound he could sense, and focused on each of them individually. There it was again, that same mad laughter, someone was enjoying something a little too much.
"Who's there!?" Pulse shouted.

Suddenly there was a powerful thunderclap, nearly deafening Pulse, as he was still focusing every sound he could find. He screamed in pain and hit his knees as small bolts of energy began arcing through the air in front of them. The laughter was getting louder and closer, Prism could hear it now. They readied themselves, putting their backs together and readying what little strength they had left as the bolts of energy began flickering in and out faster and faster. Soon there was a circle of electricity spinning in front of them, making their fur stand on end. And the nearly maniacal laughter wasn't going away. Suddenly the electricity flashed with a massive burst of light, and when it faded, there was a white-furred fox wilderfolk floating in front of them, unconscious.

She had wild, shoulder length hair that was as white as the rest of her fur. She wore torn, lightly burnt scholar's robes that reached from her shoulders down to her knees. She had a ring on each of her ring fingers, each set with a bright green gem. She had what seemed to have once been sandals around her feet, and shackles hanging from each of her wrists. She floated for a brief second before falling and landing flat on her back, with a painful sounding smack. Pulse looked up at the massive mechanimorph towering over them, but it seemed oblivious to this as well.

The Voidbreak Crisis: Part 2; The Rise Of Ak-Dovurak.Where stories live. Discover now