“Of course I do. She’s my world.” I smiled, unable to look away from her.

“I am so sorry about what went on that time. I know we have let it go, but I almost ruined all this.” He sighed, I knew it had been bothering him for a while.

“Danny, I know man. But I think it actually helped us, you know, it’s weird to think that. But it did.”

“She is one hell of a girl, I almost ruined my friendship with her and that is all I want from her. I know you know that, but I just had to say it.” I gave him a one-armed hug.

“Okay Dan.” I smiled at him, I just hoped we had got past it all now.

“Anyway, she’s coming our way.” He smirked, looking past me.

“Hey baby.” She greeted.

“Hey sexy.”

“Oh come on Tedder, don’t start that now.” She giggled, she knew what I was on about. She looked good, I can’t help it. I pulled her into a hug, pressing a kiss to her neck.

“Stop looking so damn good then.” I growled in her ear, she was getting my clothes wet, but I honestly couldn’t care less. She pressed a kiss to my lips, I could tell she wanted to carry this on just as much as I did.

“I have to go and do some relays. But I am more than willing to carry this on later.” She whispered the last part in my ear, a smile on her face.

“That looked a little more than PG.” Dan smirked.

“Shut it you asshole.” I chuckled, he knew us too well. Most people did, I don’t know what gets into us sometimes. Half the time we are blushing at the mention of sex, other times we are all over each other never mind who’s there. Maybe it’s because we haven’t had sex in a few days. Wow. That is bad. Are we sex addicts? I can’t lie, I crave her touch most the time. But not in a sexual way. Keep on digging Tedder. Here I am having a conversation with myself. I saw Amy was team captain, she takes this shit seriously, she was there talking with her team.

“Ah look, little Alfie and Izzy are on her team.” Sarah smiled, I guess that’s Debs kid then.

“And George.” Or maybe George is her kid. I don’t really care.

“You are going down!” Amy shouted at the other team, whilst the kids pulled faces. I let out a little chuckle, she is so childish. “All the right moves in all the right places, so yeah, you’re going down.” She sang, her team joining in with her little chant. We were in hysterics. Only she would do something like that. Eventually they were going to start the race. Amy was going first. She stood on the blocks, I don’t know how she does it, I would be scared of falling in.

“Take your mark. GO!” Roger shouted, she was off. She got at least 5 metres from her dive, when she came up she didn’t breathe. Just kept her head down, kicking her legs as fast as she could and really working her arms. She finished in front of the other guy. I saw her smiling before cheering on her team. It made me smile to see her so relaxed here, having so much fun. Her team won, by quite a way actually.

“Maybe she has been training.” Her Mum conceded.

“Oh yeah, she runs almost every day now.” Danny informed her. She looked a little confused.

“After she collapsed the Doctor told her she needed to release the stress, he suggested exercise. Sometimes we run together, sometimes she goes alone. She likes swimming when we are at a hotel. It depends really.” I explained. They had started a second race, this time doing backstroke, this was her favourite. Looks like she’s going last, bringing up the rear.

“If anything her fitness has improved.” Glen stated.

“Oh yeah, she can run for miles. In fact, we are thinking of doing a marathon or something.” I commented.

“Jesus, she could barely run 5 miles when she left.” Her Mum laughed.

“Trust me, she couldn’t when we started.” I smiled at the memory. “We had to phone Zach and Eddie to come pick us up, her legs couldn’t take it. She was happy, she got the day in bed and all of us treating her.”

“Shit yeah.” Dan chuckled. “She made us do a little show for her and we went all the way to this little pub place to get some desert she decided she wanted.”

“She is so spoilt.” I shook my head fondly.

“Not all the time though, she is one stubborn woman.” Dan pointed out. Hell he is right. If she has something in her mind, she will not drop it. Not without a good reason.

“You got that right.” Her Mum agreed.

“So you think she’ll like it? The stuff I have planned?” I asked suddenly

“She is going to love it Ryan. Honestly. She will.” That made me feel a little better, it’s been stressing me out so much. I was even tempted to tell her about if first, but her mum is right. She will love it. Any band she likes she wants to see live. It’s pretty funny actually. That’s why I tried to get all the people she liked, Mark (our tour manager) and Clint said they would try to organise it. Mark is trying to sort out times and stuff. But really we are playing it by ear. I just hope it works.

A/N - Sorry about the lateish chapter! Lost track of time :D Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, please vote and comment XD

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