Chapter Ten

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Sexual Content, Mature Audiences Only, Read At Own Discretion*****

Chapter Ten

Waking up, my body screams in pain. I take a second to replay the events of last night. With my dad, the woods, Koda...Koda.

He isn't here. The windows open with my curtains blowing in the breeze. He must've bailed on me.

Slowly pulling myself out of bed, I quietly head for the bathroom to start getting dressed for school. I peel off my clothes and turn on the shower to let it warm up, and step into the water.

A hot shower always feels so good after His beatings. They rinse away the filth, the blood, His touch. You can't wash away the scars though..

I finish up and step out to gently dry myself off and get ready for school but something stops me in my tracks. Or someone.


He had walked into the bathroom without me noticing.

"I've been waiting for you." He says with a wicked grin.

I take a step backwards but slip on the linoleum and crash to the floor. I grab at the towel and jerk it across my body, attempting to cover myself but it doesn't work.

He stalks over to me and he sits on top of me, straddling my waist. It's only seven in the morning but the stench of alcohol drips off of him in huge wafts, burning my nostrils with each breath.

Fear takes over me and I start to scream, not caring happens to me as long as someone hears me or I can get away. "Oh God, please, no, not this."

He smacks me hard in the face and grabs hold of my breast and roughly starts to massage it, causing tears to stream down my face. I need to get away, I can't let him take do this, it's all I have left!

I try to shove his hands off but it was no use, he moved and straddled me with his knees pinning down my arms while he jerked his pants unbuttoned and pulled his manhood out, throwing the towel off of me.

I knew there was no use, nothing left I could do. He pressed up against my spot and thrusted forward, entering me painfully. I yelped in pain that had my insides throbbing and searing. No, no, no, this is all a dream. It can't be real, he's never gone this far.

It's no use. I can't even convince myself it isn't real to make it better, I can't. I don't want to feel, or see, or hear. Feel the pain as he thrusts in and out of my virginal spot, see my father on top of me raping me, or hear his drunken grunts of pleasure.

He finishes and I lay on the bathroom floor, crying, lifeless. "Get up, you have school." He says as he walks out.

Pathetic. Disgusting. Putrid. No one would want me now. Im repulsive. I muster enough strength to stand as I turn on the shower and slowly repeat the steps of my morning, careful to wash my parts and the blood from my inner thighs.

I numbly put on my clothes, settling for tank top and black sweats and just foundation to cover the bruises. I need to hurry up and get to school, to leave, get away, anything.


By the time I made it to the school, the first bell had rung, making me late for my first class, English.

I'm long past caring at this point.

It hurt just to move, I feel nauseous, and I'm debating on leaving.

I get to class and open the door, stepping into everyones stares.

"Sorry, I'm not feeling well so I was in the restroom." I told Mrs. Sawyers.

"Goodness, Dear, you are pale. Take a seat and if you need to leave, just go." I nod, keeping my eyes on the floor as I walk to my seat.

Can they tell how filthy I am now? Their stares bore right through me. They know, they think I'm a freak now. My thoughts are running wild and I can't get a grip on what is being taught today, so I stare out the window.

I can't close my eyes, His face keeps showing up, burned in my head. We're not in the classroom, we're back in the bathroom, the pain so real. His face full of pleasure etched into my mind, I see him everytime I blink.

Is this what it's like to lose your mind? Am I crazy? I'm almost sure.

Now I'm back in the classroom, the bell to send us to our next class breaking me from the hellish daydream I was in. I hadn't realized I had been silently crying.

I bent to grab my bag off the ground and stood, and saw a figure blocking my way. I looked up at the person and saw a very angry Koda.

"I- I ar-" I was cut off.

He was in a semi blind rage and was shaking intensely.

"What the hell happened, Ash? I swear I'll kill him."

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