Chapter Three

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~Chapter Three

It's been almost three hours since we got to the new house, and I'm already unpacked. I didn't have that much to begin with.

My dainty little bed sitting in the corner looking out of place against the pearly white walls, a book shelf looming next to that with numerous novels, and my chestnut vanity.

I walked over to the vanity and sat on the stool and analyse myself. To people my age, I'd be considered beautiful. Long, white-blonde hair that flows down my back, crystalline green eyes, and porcelain skin.

You could almost compare me to a doll. A pretty little girl all alone in a scary world, but if not careful, will be broken in a matter of time. That's me.

See, I didn't shut myself up after Dad went crazy, I broke down. I didn't want friends, they wouldn't understand. I didn't want to be touched, it would hurt. My only comfort was a blade.

I had snuck into the bathroom and disassembled one of my Dad's shaving razors. Sitting on the floor, I convinced myself of how much better I'd feel, and I did. With each drop of blood that slid to the floor, it made the smile on my face grow.

When everyone sees this beautiful girl, I scoff in disbelief. I can see through that. I see the scars that kept her smiling, the bruises forming on her cheek, the dull, lost look in her eyes. That girl is me.

With time gone by, I got up and looked out the window. It's getting late so I slip off my clothes and put on a tank top and sweat pants, quietly heading downstairs.

Not seeing my dad anywhere, I started towards the kitchen for some food, when a voice stopped me.

"Come." It whispered.

I spun around, but saw nothing. Nobody's there? Strange.

"Come to me..." The voice beckoned.

This sensation washed over me and I suddenly, NEEDED to go outside.

I stepped outside into the cold air and closed the door behind me. Wrapping my arms tightly around me, I started towards the woods behind the house.

I didn't know why I needed to go here, but I just felt it, so I kept on; Stepping over vines in my bare feet and ducking under branches until I came to a small clearing.


I had no idea what it meant, so I spun around in a circle slowly, taking in my surroundings. There was something perched against a rock to my left, but I couldn't tell what.

Slowly walking towards it, I heard a faint purr coming from that direction and was puzzled more.

Once close enough to see, I let out a gasp. It was a wolf laying against the rock. It was larger than the wolves I knew about, and much more...calm.

Leaning down, I took in it's beauty. It was dark grey, with black in its fur and tail. It was sleeping from what I could tell.

"Hurt." The voice told me.

I looked over the wolf as if it had told me, and sure enough, it was.

An arrow was shot through its leg, and had deep gash in its side.

Suddenly, its eyes jerked open and lifted its head head quickly, as if startled. I jumped back, not knowing how to react.

Wouldn't normal people run? Get help? But this poor animal was hurt, I mentally argued.

Stepping towards it, I ask,

"Whats your name, dear?"


I nodded in understanding and knelt down by his side. The gash looked to be man made, and deep, definitely needing to be cleaned. The arrow was another story.

I didn't know exactly what I was doing but improvisation was all I had. Taking hold of the arrow, I snapped the tail of it off, leaving the head going through his leg. Grabbing hold from the other side, I gently began to pull from the other side until it was completely out.

Seeing the blood begin to trickle out of his leg, I took off back towards my house. I just felt the need to help him so badly.

Opening the back door I exited earlier, I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and a dishrag.

Once I had what I needed, I ran back to the clearing. Thankfully, the bleeding wasn't so serious.

I took the dishrag and ripped it in half. Then opened the bottle and gently spouted it onto the wound, patting away the blood with the rag, then did the same with the gash.

By the time I was done, Koda had fallen asleep. Poor thing...

I reached up and softly ran my fingers through the grey wolf's silky fur, getting lost in time.

The next thing I heard sent chills down my spine.

"Ashlynn, get the fuck back here, cunt! I swear I'll kill you!"

From The Moment We MetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora