Chapter One

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~Chapter One

Staring out the window, taking in all of my surroundings. Dad decided to move to the middle of nowhere, more specifically, Washington.

Now, no one will be able to hear my screams, or cries. That's just what he wanted, right? It's our little secret.

He's been this way for almost a year, since mom died. He started getting distant and would come later and later each night, until some he wouldn't come home at all. That could only be my blessing.

The first night it happened was in August. He crashed his way into the house, bouncing off the walls with each stumbling step.

"Ashlynn!" I heard him scream my name.

I was pretending to be asleep on the couch when he threw himself into the room, catching his balance on the back of the couch.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

I looked up with wide eyes to see him make his way around the couch and leap forwards. I caught a glimpse of his normally blue eyes, now a glazed over color, coated with the liquor on his breath.

Suddenly sensing danger, I jumped up and tried to run, but was too late. He had already grabbed a handful of my hair and jerked me to the floor.

"What did I do--" Smack.

That left me stunned. He had never hit me before.

"No good," Smack. "Disgusting," Punch. "Worthless, piece of shit!" He spoke, between blows, making a sickening sequence.

Then they abrubtly came to a stop.

I hadn't realized my arms were raised until I slowly lowered them, seeing the maniacle smile on his face.

"Filthy bitch! You're the reason she's gone...I'll make you pay."

I stared at him in shock. He thought I killed mom?

"I swear it wasn't me, Dad!" I wanted to reassure him, but the words wouldn't come out.

He looked down at my trembling body, "Welcome to Hell, Bitch."

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