Chapter Fourteen

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~Chapter Fourteen

I woke the next morning to a hint of sunlight pouring into the room from the small crack in the window.

My guess was that it was just barely dawn. Maybe just before seven in the morning.

I blinked a few times to try and wake up a little more before gathering all of my strength to stand up.

My dreams had quickly turned to nightmares after I had fallen asleep. All I saw was HIS face in my head, causing me to toss and turn.

I was paying for it dearly because of the dull ache throbbing steady throughout my body.

I noticed Koda asleep in a recliner a few feet away and thought it best not to disturb him. I knew I had to get home as soon as possible though.

I gritted my teeth and pulled myself up off of the sheets, wobbling until I steadied myself again. I tiptoed quietly across the dark, hardwood floor. I didn't see my bag anywhere so I didn't make too much of a fuss to find it.

I shuffled as quickly as I could out of the house and stopped dead in my tracks.

How do I get back?

I realized I would have to go back into the house to find someone to help me. Walking back inside, I began to look around each room I had passed.

Living room empty. Bathroom empty. Kitchen?

As I got closer to what I made out to be the kitchen, I heard voices. It sounded like it was Koda and someone I couldn't recognize arguing.

"I have to help! She's... different. Don't you remember what it felt like with Sonya? Try to understand!"

"No! Don't compare her to Sonya! She's NOTHING like her!" The other voice spat out with venom hanging on each word. "She doesn't belong here. Get her out or I'll do it myself."

I stepped up to the doorway and both heads turned to look at me.

"Sorry to interrupt... uhm, could you possibly take me home?" I asked shyly.

Koda nodded and got up, disappearing momentarily to grab my belongings. I hastily put my shoes on and walked back towards the front door I had found, keeping my head down.

Koda followed behind me but not before casting an icy glare in the direction of the mystery person.

"Let's go."


The drive home was full of tension to say the least. I was still drowsy, making it hard to keep my eyes open. I laid my head back on the seat of his Chevy truck and allowed myself to fall back to sleep.

I jerked awake to find Koda looking at me concerned.

"Ash, you were crying again. What's wrong? Please talk to me."

I had dreamt of HIM again. My body was coated in a thin layer of sweat, my hair forming to my face from that and my tears.

"I'm okay. Sorry." I managed to squeak out. I still can't bring myself to tell him.

I made the mistake of looking over at him and seeing the hurt in his eyes. I looked back out of the window. We were at my house.

I didn't see HIS car in the driveway and a wave of relief rushed through me, almost overwhelming me. I opened to door and muttered , "Thank you for the ride," before sliding out of the truck.

I ran up to the door and didn't turn back to look until I heard the truck leaving.

"It's better this way..."

And he was gone.

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