Chapter Eight

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~Chapter Eight

Koda's P.O.V.

It's been an hour since I started calling to her, willing her to come to me. I haven't gotten a single reaction to it. I can't even feel her anymore.

This isn't good. What if she's hurt more? I had come check on her, she seemed to be in pain all day.

I tried calling to her again, my voice sounding slightly desperate now. "Come..please.." I felt a faint tug, maybe she was okay!

I called again, causing more of a spark to appear.

After a few moments had gone by, I heard rustling in the trees in front of me, then a petite figure appeared.

I jumped up from my spot and leapt towards her, landing right in front of her. She..looks terrible.

Ashlynn's pale face was more pale and spotted with bruises lining it. Tears and her makeup ran together in lines down her cheeks as well, making it obvious she had been crying.

What made my heart ache was her wrists. They had many scars on them, and a few were new, fresh blood still trickling from them.

She had cut herself. Ashlynn didn't deserve what's happened to her, whether I know it or not. She doesn't deserve to hurt herself after someone already has!

I took a step towards her to see if there was anything else wrong as she all of a sudden collapsed to the ground.

I heard faint whimpers coming from her as she started to cry. I had no idea what to do at this point, so I layed down beside her and nuzzled into her neck.

"It'll be alright, don't cry. Shh..." I comforted her.

"No..No it won't. I'll never escape him, I have no one but you Koda, you're it." She sobbed. "I'm so sorry."

"Ashlynn, calm down, it's okay. Tell me about it all. Im here, I'm not going anywhere."

I heard her take a deep breath, and release a shaky one. Continuing that process, I noticed her slowly begin to rekax.

"Okay, I'll tell you."


Ashlynn's P.O.V.

I felt like I trusted him. It's a strange thing since he's a large wolf that talks through my mind, but that's okay.

Was I crazy? I don't think I made him up out of loneliness, but I'll confide in him. I'm a mess anyways, still shaking from earlier. "It'll help." I told myself.

He was nuzzled into my neck like he was hugging me. That's not normal. Wolves are supposed to be vicious, right? I had to stop being so skeptical.

"Okay, I'll tell you." I tried to sit up but my body roared in pain, especially my wrists.

Koda seemed to notice because he jumped up from his spot and pushed me up with his nose. I partially crawled over to the rock that was across the clearing, careful not to hurt my knee more, and leaned against it.

He walked over and sat next to me and carefully placed his head in my lap. I started petting his silky fur and closed my eyes.

"It started a year ago when my mom died," I began. "She was in an accident. I had wanted to go to a friends house but Mom said no. I just couldn't drop it, pestering her until she said yes."

"It was almost a week before Christmas so the roads were icy. It didn't help that it was so dark."

I was crying now. "The truck came out of nowhere, running a red light and hit her side. She died on impact."

"Dad was so in love with her, he couldn't bear lose her. He took to drinking after and lost it. I look like her so much, he just can't help it! He..he- hits me, a lot."

I lost it after that, not being able to stop the tears. Koda was listening so attentively, I forgot he was there.

"I can't help it. After he does, I use my razor to feel better. My,anxiety is outrageous, and I just...there's nothing stopping me from.."

"Stop!" Koda barked. He was shaking from anger. He stood up and was pacing furiously in front.of me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything..I'm gonna go..I'm sorry, Koda."

I felt horrible at this point. I can't tell anyone this if I'm only going to upset them. There's no hope for a girl like me.

I struggled to get to my feet, having trouble since my knee had swollen to twice the size.

"Wait..I have to show you something." I looked at him puzzled.

"What is it?"

He paused before saying, "I have to show you who I really am."

****A/N Sorry it wasn't as long, but I'll upload again in a bit since I'm off today:) How do you think Ashlynn will take his news? Since she just got used to the wolf part.****

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