Chapter Thirteen

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~Chapter Thirteen

I started to come to and gradually opened my eyes.

Blink. Blink.

I slowly looked around the room I was in and realized it wasn't my own. Where was I? I had a hard time seeing anything, coming to the conclusion that it must be night time.

The room I was in was pitch black, silhouettes and shadows dancing on the walls. There was a single window that had been cracked open causing the dark curtains to sway in the slight breeze.

The bed I was in was a King size with the softest sheets I had ever been on. They smelled of the woods and a slight tinge of citrus. It was such a comforting scent.

I tried to sit up to get a better look of my surroundings but sharp pain shot throughout my body. My lower abdomen had a ferocious ache that wouldn't cease, leaving me breathless.

As I fell back onto the pillows I gasped, what little vision I had of the room turning into a whirlwind of dizziness. The gash on my head was making it hard to move as well.

Why wasn't I dead?

I heard shuffling as somebody was moving around in the room with me. I hadnt noticed anyone with my current state, and fear started to take over. My pulse quickened and I attempted to push myself up once more but failing as much as the first try.

I couldn't get away.

"Ashlynn? Are you awake?" Koda called out in the darkness.

I could hear him shuffling closer to me, reaching for the bedside table. Suddenly a lamp flickered on, blinding me temporarily.

I turned my head quickly to shield my eyes and quickly pulled the thin blanket that covered me up to my chin. The movement made the ache all over my body drum even harder.

"Where--?" I whispered. My voice was so raspy it didn't even sound like my own.

I saw him reach for a glass of water and helped me take a few sips. Easier to speak without my throat as dry, I asked him,
"Where are we? What happened?"

He looked at me puzzled.
"You mean you don't remember?"

I thought for a moment, trying to remember. Then it all came back to me.

Him. What He did to me. The park. The blade. Koda. Swimming.

My recollection of all of the events rushed over me, causing panic to swell up. I felt my body start to shake, worsening the ache all over again. I felt tears well up in my eyes and slowly glide down my cheeks.




The awful thoughts started echoing in my head, starting off as a quiet chant, growing louder.

"Ashlynn, what's wrong? Come here." He softly cooed. I felt him envelope me in his arms, bringing some sort of comfort to me.

After a few moments of rocking back and forth I began to relax my body slightly.

"You scared me, you know. I thought you were gone."

I nodded, looking down once we pulled away from each other. "I'm sorry. I just...wanted to make the pain stop."

"Why won't you tell me?"

"I just cant. Please don't be mad at me.." I begged.

I don't understand this feeling I have. It's almost like I'm being drawn to him. His presence is so comforting.

I feel myself still shaking but it isn't from fear anymore. The room is extremely cold.

"I can't even begin to explain how worried I am, but fine. I'll stop asking for now, but only because of the circumstances."

I slowly nod my head and sink back into the pillows. He notices my shaking and goes to the end of the bed and grabs a larger blanket out of a wooden trunk.

Careful not to disturb any of my wounds, he gently covers me up.

"Sorry about the cold. Erm, I get really hot sometimes." He says, awkwardly.

"It's okay. But where am I?"
I ask for a second time.

"You're in my room. After we found you, we didn't know what to do so I brought you back here. Chase helped me patch you up, you lost quite a bit of blood."

I looked down, noticing the white bandages lining my arms. I turned away, feeling ashamed that I had been so stupid.

"I just want to help, you know..."

"But why? What is so special about me? You don't even know me!" I spat out in a short burst of anger. I was selfishly upset that they had spoiled my attempt at freedom.

He looked deep in thought. Moments passed before he spoke again.
"I don't know how to say it, Ash. I feel close to you. Almost like I had known you my whole life. You're important to me."

I was shocked to say the least. No one has ever shown this much interest in me. In a good way atleast. The way HE looks at me was never good.

"Listen, we'll talk more tomorrow. Get some rest." My eyes began to droop closed as if on cue.

Koda reached over and turned the lamp off and stood up.

"If you need me, just yell. I won't be too far."

I nodded, drifting into a much needed slumber.

He whispered something softly, almost inaudible. It sounded like, "Please don't ever scare me like that again."

He had pressed his lips against my forehead, bringing a little twinge of a smile to my lips as I drifted off to sleep.

But maybe I was dreaming?

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