Chapter Twelve

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~Chapter Twelve

Ashlynn's P.O.V.

I was swimming. 

The last thing I remembered was seeing Koda's face before I began swimming in Oblivion. 

No, these were my thoughts. It was as if I was floating in an abyssal pool of my dark thoughts I had tried so hard to keep at bay. But after this morning, and what He had done to me, the flood gates opened up. And now I'm drowning.

I couldn't face Koda after what He did. He ruined me. But what am I saying? I had just met him. Despite his kindness and our meetings in the woods, I knew nothing of him except that he is a wolf. A beautiful wolf who happened to be there when no one else was...

What am I saying? So many different thoughts are shattering my rationality, but at this point it doesn't matter. I'm dead, right? Finally free of my cruel punishment. No more pain. 

No more suffering. 

No more beatings.

No more Him. 

I began to start swimming around in my pool, dodging any thought of Him. I tried to think of something else, anything to get me out of the darkness. 

I started to see the light surrounding me and it was so beautiful. I swam towards the surface, skimming the surface. I had never had such a light in my life after my Mom had died. The warmth that wrapped around me felt as if I were engulfed in her arms once more. 

"Mommy!" I called out, eager to see her once more. 

I could almost smell her scent, warm vanilla and fresh cotton...

But then it was gone. 

A hand broke through the surface, reaching for me, breaching my peace in the light I had finally found. It grabbed hold of my wrist and began pulling me towards the surface of the water and there was only one face. 


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