How would she ever make the king believe what her aunt had done to them without proof? Theresa felt nervousness deep in the pit of her stomach when she considered the situation.

What if the king simply put them back in Francine's power? Theresa would make him believe their story somehow. It was the truth. He just had to understand that.

She put the rumors of the king's poor conduct and incompetent rule from her mind. Surely it was exaggerated. And even if it was not, Theresa would convince him as soon as she had her voice back.

"Chop up these onions, Ildri," said a woman as she moved over to the hearth where a large pot was simmering full of something that would have smelled delicious if Theresa's stomach had not been heaving with worries.

"Sure, chef," agree the kitchen girl Theresa assumed was Ildri.

Theresa still felt like hiding, so she slunk over and sat under a work bench. She decided that now she could wait patiently for a good chance to escape.

While she waited she arranged her fur. It made her feel more calm and relaxed.

Perhaps it was only her cat side that was relaxing, but Theresa was happy to allow it free reign in this case. She had been through so much and had been keeping it together so well. She was not going to fall apart now even if she had to rely on her unwanted double nature to manage from time to time.

From her new vantage point in the kitchen, Theresa noticed that she could feel a slight, cool breeze carrying fresh intriguing scents slipping under the door she had spotted, confirming what was beyond it.

She did not know if it was her human side or her feline side that so wanted to be outside, but it hardly mattered. She doubted that anyone was going to open it but remained aware of its presence.

As Theresa stopped feeling worried about the future, or interested in her surroundings, she started to feel bored. She lay down and attempted to find pleasure as she watched the kitchen people move about quickly.

The chef specifically was an energetic middle aged woman with grey hair. She seemed to genuinely enjoy her job. She was skinny; it almost looked as if she were malnourished. Theresa was sure that it could not be the case as the woman was continually snacking as she bounced around the room.

The girl Ildri seemed to also enjoy her job. She sometimes hummed songs under her breath as she worked. She was probably a bit younger than Theresa with dull light grayish hair pulled back into what had probably begun the morning as a neat bun but was now escaping in wisps. Theresa got the impression that Ildri was apprenticing with the chef.

The last person in the room was a quiet boy who looked about twelve. Theresa figured that he was probably the kitchen boy. They called him Matt.

Whenever the chef suggested that he do something, he did it immediately in silence. He did not look unhappy. Theresa wondered if there was something wrong with his voice since he did not talk.

"Ah, yes. Ildri, please carry this to the small dining room."

"Yes chef," Ildri said, taking the tray. Theresa stood up to follow her. Likely she would find someone like her sister in the small dining room.

"And carry this please, Matt."

Matt nodded and whirled around to fetch the tray that the chef had indicated at the same time Theresa darted out to follow Ildri.

Theresa saw him coming towards her at the last second but did not have time to get out of the way. Matt tripped and Theresa was squashed to the floor. She yowled and leapt out from under his foot. The door swung shut behind Ildri.

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