A Change in Perspective: Plague

Start from the beginning

. . . *sigh*

On the subject of that attack, who would've thought that the person I want to kill most would be a high school teenager? I know what you're thinking: my standards are way above that. A kid should be below me, but look at Shigaraki: he has a to-kill list, and currently, one's at the top of it. The brat I wanna kill is stupid strong and took out Blood Moon with just one hit from a baby ghost thingy. Maybe the runt'd be dead if the rest of those cowards in the simulator backed me up. Plus, he reminds me of someone. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about those eyes brings back a few memories.

Suddenly, a purple portal opens at the side of the room and Kurogiri steps in. "Shigaraki wants you to see him at the meeting junction."

"Hey, Smokey," I say over my shoulder. "Maybe knock next time?"

"Keep up that attitude, and you won't get your pay." The nerve.

"According to how many times you've threatened me like that, I feel like my promised reward is all a hoax. I didn't join the League of Villains for Handy Manny's sake, but for my own."

"Like it or not, you're still coming."

"Yeah yeah, I know." I grab and slide my gas mask over my face. After adjusting it properly, I stand and walk through the swirling vortex to the bar the league meets at. Upon coming through, I see Shigaraki sitting at the bar with his hand mask on and a small shot in front of him.

"Took ya long enough," his high, raspy voice greets me. "And you do realize I can hear you through those portals, right?"

"What do you want?"

"Plague, was it? I have a task just for you."

"Why me specifically?"

"You're one of the few henchmen who survived the USJ attack. Normally I don't meet up with my thugs like this, but I've picked up that you have potential."

"Heh. 'Bout time."

"You've heard of the Hero Killer, Stain. I just had a meeting with him. I thought he'd make a nice addition to the team."

"The results?"

"Turns out he's a sicko. Gnh, so obsessed with bringing more heroes like All Might into the scene. To do that, apparently, he's gotta kill 'false heroes.' Messed up logic. I'll show 'im who terrorizes the streets in this country." He clutches a shaking fist as if to vow revenge. "We're launching an attack in Stain's next target location, Hosu. We'll steal his thunder and make sure he gets our message. This is where you come in." He finally turns to look at me. "The master has four Nomu ready. As you know, however, those mutants are brain dead and need masters to pilot them. I can handle two and Kurogiri, one. That leaves one more, so I have two options: since I'm without a third reliable person to control the last one, I can leave it behind and make due with the three, or I can rely on you to instruct the Nomu and bring Hosu to the ground." He gives a slight, sinister chuckle. "What do you think I should do?"

I glare at him back while I contemplate my options. He's gotta be insane. I finally sigh. "I hate you, you know that?" Shigaraki doesn't seem the least bit shocked at my statement. "I'm not at all a fan of yours. Just the thought of you makes me sick to the pit of my stomach. If I didn't know better, I'd mistake the feeling with choking on my own venom. But I know an opportunity when I see one. This will add to my wages, right?"


". . .  Fine. Do you want the Nomu to sick on Stain?"

"No no. We're just gonna keep the glory from him, that's all." He turns back to the bar and hangs his head over his drink. "He attacks again within a day or so, so be ready. When he strikes, we strike."

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