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Hide, Kaneki and the rest of their P.E class all sat on the gym floor creating a rather odd circle around their teacher. Kaneki fidget with his P.E shirt, earlier complaining that it was too big, whilst Hide tapped his arm everytime he realised the teacher was staring at him.

"Today we have a guest, we're not going to be doing what we've been doing for the past couple of weeks..." All the boys whispered a yes in unison, their teacher sighed "...I know you all don't like doing gymnastics becuase you think its girly but it's part of the schools teaching thingy yeah yeah you guys get it. So, today we'll be learning some Karate!" The teacher clapped his hands together once whilst the other teacher hauled in a trolley of blue bags. Behind that teacher came another guy and a student who seemed familiar to Hide. "This is Mr.Heith, but for today you will all address him as ShiHan" All the boys nodded together. The teacher motioned his hands to signal the boys to stand up.

The other smaller teacher walked over with a grin whilst still pushing the trolley of bags over to the benches, he had also told the boys to follow him. Their Karate Instructor for the day followed behind with the student tailing him.

The boys sat on the benches that where placed around the sides of the hall. Hide and Kaneki sitting together.

"Hello, as you know today I will be teaching you the basics of Karate and you will address me by ShiHan" He turned and pointed to the student next to him "as you may know this young lad here goes to this school, some of you may recognize him, others probably not but either way he will be helping and also being a example" The student smiled and gave a small wave.

Kaneki smiled and waved back like he knew him, obviously not, which seemed to get other boys to wave as well. Hide had a small smile plastered on his face.

ShiHan and the student explained everything they needed to explain whilst the two teachers set up mats all across the gym floor. They boys where instructed to head over to the bags as there where  karate gis in the bag for each of them to wear, along with a white belt. The gi has fit Hide well since he had a strong built and was tall, Kaneki on the other hand was fit but skinny and small making the gi look like a white potato sack with a rope around it. The sleeves where like two wings hanging off of kanekis arms, being the child like boy he is he started to wave his arms around like a chicken with a wide grin laughing quietly to himself. Hide smirked at Kaneki whilst wrapping the white belt around his waist.

All the boys had gathered on the centre mat and listened to what their ShiHan had instructed them to do, all they where learning to was a white belt Kata and a flooring move.

They had all gotten into pairs after watching the student example perform the Kata a couple of times.

Kaneki trotted over to a mat in the corner of the gym dragging Hide over by the wrist humming to himself.

"What song is that?" Hide said, finally being able to free his wrist.

Kaneki scrunched his eyebrows and tilted his head to the side a little "I dunno" He said, continuing to hum the tune.

Hide let out a little giggle.

The two stood side by side in a lunge like stance whilst trying to recite the actions of the student example.

Kaneki had gotten it first try. Hide on the other hand had seemed to forget it after the first couple steps.

Touka had forgot to mention to Hide that Nekos have a photographic memory if they concentrate enough. This had given Kaneki an advantage as he grinned at Hide who was struggling. Hide pouted and looked at Kaneki standing up straight.

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