Chapter 4 Your Attitude

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The next morning i got up feeling well rested. I reached over for my phone only to see that it was 12 in the afternoon. I got up and went to the bathroom to do my hygiene and get a nice morning shower. I got dress in a tights and big over size t-shirt that wrote SURF UP. I put my hair up in a messy bun and went downstairs to get something to eat. Soon as I made it to the stairs I heard laughing and talking, reaching the last steps it was the guys and April and Casey, I rolled my eyes and made way to the kitchen.
I took out the pancake mix, some eggs, sausages, cheese and sardines to make an omelette and pancakes. Soon I saw Casey entered I looked at her and went back to minding my business.

"Why don't you ever talk to me?" I heard her asked with her small fragile voice.

"Because I don't talk to kids" I said stirring the pancake mix.

"I'm just one year younger than you" she replied and I shoot my head up to look at her.

"You serious?" I asked amazed.

"Yes" she replied looking down on her fingers.

"Coo" I replied and got on with my business about 15 minutes later she said something again giving me a fright.

"So why don't you ever talk to me?"

"Gurll I thought you left" I said turning around facing her.

"I don't know...maybe because I don't have anything to say to you" I added and putting my attention back to my eggs.

"I'm not my sister you know"

"Nor my mom" she added.

I didn't reply I just placed the eggs in my plate and poured out some orange juice and made my way to the dinning table while she sat at the isle.

"Why they here?" I gave in and asked.

"Dad told them to come over and keep an eye on things since it's Saturday and we're here" she replied turning to face me.

"Humm" I mumbled taking a bite of my food.

Soon after April entered with her attitude.

"See your lazy ass finally got up" she barked.

"And I see your hoeing ass finally stop sucking dick" I replied and heard Casey chuckled a little.

"What you laughing at?" She turned addressing Casey and she got up and walked away.

Guess she was right she's not like her sister and mother, I continued eating until I heard a voice I really didn't want to hear today.

"Sup shawty?"

I looked up and rolled my eyes.

"Hi there" April replied all innocent and flirty.

"Finally lost my appetite" I said getting up and placed the plate in the sink.

"And what's your name?" April asked touching up on Ghost hands.

"You Betta get you hands off mi gurl"

"I don't play that shit" he added pushing her away.

"Horny much" I said loud enough for her to hear and went back upstairs.

Few minutes after there was a knock on my door.

"Fuck there" I yelled.

"It's me the damn door" I heard Kulture loud ass. I got up and open the door to let her in.

"Why there's so much nigga in this bitch" she asked pointing downstairs.

"They not your type so don't get excited" I told her going back into bed.

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