Chapter 1- Pilot

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"What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"Stop yelling at me!"
"The fuck" I added.

"Gurll you better watch your language"

Rolling me eyes I walked out of the living room, I'm not about to have an argument with my so called mother again. This shit was getting old.

"I'm talking to you! Where are you going?" she yelled at me

"To my room!" I yelled back.

"What's all the yelling about? I can hear you'll bitching all the way down the road" my dad said as he closed the front door.

"I'm sure it was Courtney's mouth alone you heard... She be tripping since I stepped in the house" I said before looking over at her ugly face screwing.

"You better tame her ass before I do something I will regret!" She started yelling all over again.

"You must be joking" I said turning to go upstairs.

"You ain't gonna talk to my baby girl like that!" I heard my dad yell back at her.

"She's been rude as always" she yelled back. I just rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs.

I guess you'll wondering what the fuck is going on in this motherfucking house, well that bitch yelling downstairs is my stepmom... I hate her ass and the yelling,.. that's an everyday event with her. Enough about that let me introduce myself. I'm Juliana Black, my dad is Jamaican and my mom ...well I really don't know, dad said she was Mexican or some shit like that. I am 18 years old and have one year left in school which I can't wait to get over with already. My dad is a drug dealer best and greatest in Atlanta and the most feared in Jamaica. Our business is also running and quite good in the island and even though dad might not be there all the time...he made sure shit goes well. Me.... I'm like his side hand man, I have been selling drugs and killing niggas as long as I can remember because he raised me himself. Couple years back he met that bitch Courtney and got married to her and she moved in with her two dumbass kids that I can't stand one bit. April is my age and Casey is 13 I think, I really don't know because I don't really speak with those bitches. I'm mad cute like the cutest and I'm the sexiest bitch around town, my self esteem is on peak because my daddy made sure to let me know how beautiful I am everyday.... so when a bitch say I'm ugly I just laugh in their stupid faces. And I know I shape good because niggas can't keep their eyes off me and my best friend Kulture don't fail to hype me up about it.

I was lying in bed scrolling through Instagram when there was a knock on my door.

"Who the hell is it?" I yelled not moving a muscle.

"You better watch your mouth with me girl and open this door" my dad yelled back. I jumped from the bed and went to get the door.

"Dad sorry" I said as I stepped aside for him to enter.

"It's cool. Sorry about Courtney's attitude"

"Dad don't apologize for that bitch"

"I can't stand her" I added rolling my eyes and he just laughed.

I know dad don't care about her ass either because he be fucking with some other balded headed bitches around town and he doesn't hide it from me.

"Planning to get her out of your hair soon" he said smiling down on me.

My dad was like 6"8 a tall ass nigga and he was mad handsome with the neatest facial hair ever and he was the nicest when he wanna be, so I don't even know how the hell he ended with that duck shaped ass Courtney.

"You better make it quick before I beat her ass" I said laughing.

"Gurl sit your ass down acting like you bad"

"I'm the bad bitch you grew" I said and we both bursted into laugher.

"Okay enough. I'm just here to freshen up I need to get back down to the trap to question that nigga Blac about my money he stole" he said as his face turned all emotionless and serious.

"Need me to be there" I asked grabbing my hoodie.

"Gurl you just got home from school, relax do homework or something I will call you if anything goes left" he said taking the hoodie from my hand.

"But da..."

"Serious J ... I need you to act like a kid sometimes and let me handle business"

"Fine dad... I don't even know what you asking me to do ...because you raised my ass to be on my feet and a be a bad ass thug" I said jumping into bed.

"I know baby... I'll see you later" he said and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Oh and J don't kill nobody while I'm gone" he added while he closes the door on his way out I just laughed.

Night 🌃

I have no idea when I drifted off to sleep but when I got up it was 8pm. I hopped out of bed and checked my phone and saw I had a few missed called from Kulture, so I decided to give her a ring back while I went downstairs to find something to eat because a bitch was starving.

"Bitch where the fuck were you?" K yelled through the phone.

"Bitch you better take it down a notch" I yelled back, while she laughed in my ear.

"You still haven't answered my question?"

"I was asleep Kulture damn... You acting like we fucking or something"

"Please you couldn't have me if you tried" she said laughing. "And I don't want your dumbass anyway... I'm your best friend I should know if you good bitch"

"I'm good I was just tired because of school and that bitch Courtney and her yelling few hours ago."

"Sure that's it and you wasn't on the streets"

"Daddy didn't let me go with him today. And stop saying street like that" I told her while I put the leftover pizza in the microwave.

"Like what?"

"Like you smell shit bitch"

"J you know how I feel about... " She paused and looked around her surrounding before whispering. "You in a damn gang"

"I'm not in no damn gang ... I am the gang" I said laughing.

"Gurll whatever you getting on my nerves" she said annoyed.

"You just want some dick" I yelled at her before she hang up.

Kulture was my home girl but she hated the fact that I was in a drug business with my dad especially at a young age. Everytime she heard of some killing she assumed it was me.... not gonna lie probably was. I appreciated her alot, and I liked that she cared about my well being but I was good.


First off this is my second book, Secondly my first one is up.
Thirdly welcome to the family and thanks for reading.

Plz plz tell me what you think about this chapter so far.

Julianna Black aka Queen/J

Kulture Smith aka K (Julianna best friend)

Julian Black aka Boss Man
(Julianna Dad)

Courtney Spencer-Black
(Julian Wife and April and Casey Mom, Julianna's Step-Mom)

Queen of Hearts ❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora