Chapter 37

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Mark walked through the hallway of the dormitory, glancing down at his slip of paper and checking the room numbers. It was his second year at UCLA, and they had given him a different room, which he was currently trying to find. 

After a few more minutes of searching he finally found it. He looked at the door with confusion. This was a different section of the dormitory, where three or four people could live in one area. It was a bigger space and had an extra bathroom. Why would they give him that?

He leaned on his suitcase and debated calling to ask if they had made a mistake. But he decided he might as well enter the dorm first, so he used his key card to unlock it and stepped inside. 

He surveyed the area; there was a bunk bed on one side and a single bed on the other, making three in total. It looked like his other roommates had already moved in, with their beds already set up and some of their stuff laying around. 

He looked closer at a bag sitting on the bottom bunk. Huh, it looked familiar. He shook it off and then made his way over to the single bed and started setting up. 

When he was finished, he sighed and plopped down on the bed, figuring he should call his boyfriends to tell them he had moved in. He clicked on Jackson's contact, and scrunched up his face when it went straight to voicemail. He then tried Jinyoung, and the same thing happened. 

That was weird, they knew he would get his new dorm today. And they almost always had their phones on. 

He thought he would just try again in an hour. He rolled onto his stomach and shoved his face into the pillow. If he was being honest, he wasn't in the greatest mood. He was getting two new roommates, who he was sure he would get along with, but he was going to miss his old roommate, Nina. And on top of that, this would be another year where he would be away from his partners and friends. He was missing Jinyoung and Jackson extra today. 

He slightly looked up when there was a soft knock on the door. He then melted back into the bed and decided he would pretend he was asleep. He wasn't in the mood to meet knew people. 

The door clicked open and he could hear soft footsteps enter. It sounded like both of the others were there. They started whispering, Mark figured it was because they didn't want to wake their new roommate up. That was fine with him.

A few moments later, he felt the bottom of the bed sink down from a weight. Did one of them just sit on his bed? 

 He was confused, but he continued to lay there. That was until someone placed their hand on his butt. He sprung up, words already on his tongue as he turned to look at the perpetrator. 

But the words were caught in his throat as he looked at the two. One was sitting on his bed grinning, while the other was standing and laughing silently. 

"What are you guys doing here?!" Mark practically yelled. 

Jinyoung stood up from the bed and crossed his arms. "What does it look like we're doing here? This is our dorm!" 

Mark shook his head and chuckled with disbelief. "Why didn't you tell me? I literally just got back from visiting y'all!"

"We wanted it to be a surprise, obviously," Jackson said. "And it was not easy for both of us to get into this school, I mean, I was worried we wouldn't be able to."

Mark still couldn't believe it. "So you go here now? And are my roommates??" 

"Yes, what is not to get," Jinyoung said, rolling his eyes. 

He shook his head and pulled them both into a hug. He breathed in their familiar scents. His mood had just turned completely around within the last minute. 

"How are the others doing?" he asked, referring to Youngjae, JB, BamBam, and Yugyeom. 

"They're good, Bam and Yugs are upset 'cause they're the last ones in that school," Jackson snickered. 

"And JB and Youngjae just moved into their dorm," Jinyoung added. They were both going to the same school, one that was local. 

Mark nodded, glad that his friends were doing well. 

"So," Jackson said. "Are you gonna show us around campus or what?" 

Mark laughed and nodded. They should probably learn where everything is, especially before classes start up. 

He lead them down the hall, and they didn't get far before the trio ran into Nina. Mark waved at her, and she analyzed the other two for half a second before gasping and covering her mouth.

"Oh my god!! So these are your boyfriends!" Mark smiled sheepishly and nodded. They had already met over the phone and facetime, but never in person. She jumped up and down and hugged the two tightly. "It's so sweet of you guys to visit Mark!" 

"Oh, we're not visiting," Jinyoung said and laughed. 

She thought for a moment and then gasped again, her blonde hair bouncing. "Wow! I would've never thought! I can show you around if you like," she offered and smiled excitedly.

"That's actually what we're in the middle of doing right now," Mark said. "You can come along if you like."

"Nah, I better let you guys catch up and stuff. Thank you, though. And it was nice seeing all of you!" 

She bounded off into what Mark assumed was her new room. He was still a little sad that he wouldn't be sharing a room with her energetic self again, but his boyfriends more than made up for it. 

Mark continued the tour of the campus, going all around the area and showing the two around. Once they were nearing the end, they decided to stop at a small cafe on campus. 

As Mark sat in the booth with his iced coffee, he looked at the other two. "I still can't believe you guys are going to school with me!" he barely contained his squeal. 

"Yeah me either!" Jackson said, shaking with excitement. "It was hard not to tell you when you were visiting." 

Jinyoung shook his head. "It was actually pretty easy not to tell you. Especially since you didn't ask." He smirked.

Mark groaned. "Because I didn't know!"

Jinyoung giggled. 

After about another hour, the trio wound up back at their dorm. Mark collapsed on his bed. Jackson then jumped on top of him. "Hey! You have a bed over there!" Mark tried to yell, his voice muffled. 

Jackson hummed. "But it's not as comfortable as here." Jackson wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and squeezed. A few seconds later, Jinyoung jumped on and added to their pile, squishing Mark even farther into the mattress. 

"I- can't breathe-" he forced out. Jinyoung grabbed both of them and tipped them over so they were all laying on the bed consecutively. Mark sighed in relief. "You guys have a bunk bed for a reason," he complained. 

"Shhh," Jinyoung soothed. "Just accept it."

Mark grumbled. But the truth was, he enjoyed their closeness. He had missed a lot of it over the past year. 

"And you'll be getting a lot more of this!" Jackson said, pressing even closer. "We missed you."

Mark smiled softly. "I missed you guys too." He thought about where his head was a year ago, when he was worried about being away from them for so long. He was questioning whether it was the right decision to go to UCLA. Now, he realized he made the right choice. He was also correct in believing back then that not matter what, everything was going to be okay. 

And now, laying here with Jinyoung and Jackson, he realized that he was always the happiest when he was with them. And nothing could ever change that.

- The end. 

A/N: I didn't know how to end this so there you go. I know it's kind of abrupt but :/ Thank you all for reading! I might do some extra chapters in the future so stay tuned for that. It's been a whole ass year since I started this goddamn. But anyways please stay safe and wear masks. Love you all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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