Chapter 2

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Jinson Messages:


dude I'm bored you should come over


should we invite the others?


i think youngjae is with jaebum and who knows what yugbam is doing


k we should probably leave them alone then cuz they're probably fucking 



how about mark? we should make him feel welcome


oooo good idea i'll text him rn 


k see u guys soon ;))

     Jinyoung panicked. He knows Jackson has seen his apartment in far worse condition than this and didn't mind, but he didn't know how Mark would react. So he began frantically cleaning everything.

     They didn't have to worry about his parents or anything either, Jinyoung moved out about a year ago for some freedom. He still was close with his family though. 

     Just as Jinyoung finished fluffing the last pillow on his sofa, his door was unceremoniously ripped open by a giddy Jackson. Jinyoung glared at him. "What did I tell you about using my spare key!?" 

     "Oh be quiet. Mark, please help yourself to Jinyoung's food. He has plenty." That got him another glare from Jinyoung. Why doesn't he just move in already ugh. Wait-

     "Jinyoung you must be kind to your guests," Jackson said feigning annoyance. "That includes me."

     "Hardly." Jinyoung brought his friends into his room where he had a PS4. "Mark, you choose what we play." 

     "Hmmmm, how about Minecraft?" Mark answered with a smirk. 

     "Finally, a man with taste!! Jackson, take notes." Jackson pouted. He was more of a CoD dude, but he grabbed a controller anyway. 

     "Ya'll are going down!" Mark yelled. "I am the master, bow down to me." He grinned.

     "You clearly haven't seen me play," Jinyoung fired back. Jackson sighed. He was obviously going to lose. 

     The three friends played for the next few hours, Jackson laughing maniacally when he actually did something good. In they end, they all won a few, but Mark taking the altogether victory. "Hehe, what did I tell you??" He taunted Jinyoung. 

     "Fine, you're better than me. What can I do to make it up to you my king?" Jinyoung said sarcastically. 

     "I can think of a few things." He winked. Jinyoung tried to respond but was a flustered mess. Mark grinned even more at that. 

     "Ya'll are nasty. Get a room," Jackson interjected.

     "You know, you could join us," Mark said. Jackson smirked. He just might have to take him up on that offer. Too bad they were just joking around. 

     After talking and laughing some more, with a few flirts from all three parties here and there, Mark said he had to go. Apparently he had some test in a few days that he had to study for. He said goodbye to his friends and was on his way. 

     Jackson decided to stay a bit longer. They were both on the sofa playing with their phones, when they lost track of the time. "Holy shit, it's 9 o'clock already?!? Ugh, I better start heading home," Jackson said. 

     "No it's fine, you can stay here for the night." It's not like he hadn't done it before. "I call first shower though. 

     "Alright, sounds good to me." Jackson turned on the TV to pass the time until his friend was done. When he finally was (Jesus this man takes long showers) he walked out wearing pajama pants without a shirt. 

     "Sorry, I forgot to bring a shirt with me." Jackson almost told him there was no need to be sorry because damn, but decided against it. Damn, has he been working out or am I crazy? Jackson realized he was staring. He quickly looked away. The things he would let him do to him- wait ew, he's his best friend. Wtf. 

     Jinyoung gave him a funny look as he searched for a t-shirt. "You know you can use the shower now, right?"

     "Uh yeah sorry." Jackson quickly made his way to the bathroom while mentally cursing himself. Why did he have that reaction? It was nothing he hadn't seen before. Maybe he actually was going crazy. 

     Jackson made sure to use Jinyoung's shampoo since it smelled like him- no since it smelled like mangoes. Jackson had never cared for mangoes until that moment.

     He walked back into Jinyoung's room with his hair dripping and a soft smile. Jackson climbed next to him in his bed where he was listening to music. Once Jinyoung realized he was there, he offered Jackson an earbud. They stayed like that for a while, until they decided they were tired and needed some sleep. 

     They sleep next to each other quite often, so it wasn't weird. But for some reason, Jinyoung was way more aware of Jackson's presence this time around. He kind of wanted to put his arms around his friend, but thought he we would think it was weird.

     He finally drifted off, and had a good night's sleep where he dreamed about the very person sleeping next to him. It wasn't exactly a kid friendly dream. He awoke feeling very confused and high key wished he hadn't had the dream. Like wtf. It was kind of fun to thing about though. Wait no no no no no. Just no. 

     Jackson woke up soon after and Jinyoung tried not to think about the dream he had about him. He was also trying not to be awkward. Apparently it worked because Jackson didn't notice his friend acting different a all, even in the slightest bit. 

     By the time Jackson left his apartment, Jinyoung had convinced himself that the dream didn't mean anything. 

     Little did he know that Jackson had a similar one about him the same night. 

     Jackson sat on his bed in his room, thinking. What the fuck was that dream about? He tried to push it out of his mind but failed, and he found himself smiling when he thought about it. What the actual fuck was wrong with him? 

     "JACKSON, DINNER'S READY," his father yelled from downstairs. Finally, a distraction from that random weird dream. Jackson was grateful. 

     But as he was eating, he found his thoughts drifting back to it again. "Jackson, is something wrong?" His mother looked worried. "You're no where near as talkative as usual."

     "It's nothing. I'm just tired, that's all." Both of his parents didn't look convinced. But they didn't question him any further. 

     Once he was done eating, he decided to take a nap. He wasn't actually tired like he said, but he needed to get his mind off of it. Hopefully there wouldn't be any random intruding dreams this time. 

CLASSMATES- MARKJINSONHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin