Chapter 10

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"And that's another win for me!!" Mark shouted. He was playing video games at Jinyoung's and Jackson's. 

Jackson groaned and threw down his controller. "I don't understand how you can be so good at everything. It's not fair." He pouted.

"Video games aren't the only thing I'm good at," Mark responded and winked. Jackson just rolled his eyes.

"Hey, he's not the one you're supposed to be going on a date with, so stop flirting," Jinyoung joked. 

"You guys are going on a date?!" Jackson tried to sound surprised and happy for them, even though he had already heard the news. Mark beamed and nodded. 

"Which reminds me, we need to set a date," Mark said. Jinyoung thought about it. Since it was Sunday, it would have to wait until the next weekend. 

"How about Friday night?" Jinyoung suggested. Mark agreed. Jinyoung felt a bad about being so transparent about this in front of Jackson, but he didn't seem too bothered by it. Jinyoung tried to push down the feelings of guilt. "I'll plan all of it, so just be ready at 6:30." 

Mark smiled excitedly and nodded his head. He knew that he would be looking forward to it all week. 

After a few more games, Mark always reigning victory, he decided to head home. "If I'm late, my dad... will not be happy. So I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow?" Jinyoung and Jackson gave each other a look but hugged him goodbye. Jinyoung kissed Mark's cheek as well, leaving the latter a blushing mess as he left he apartment. 

Once Mark was gone, Jackson and Jinyoung settled back onto the couch. "I really hope that his dad isn't what I think he is," Jackson said. Jinyoung nodded his agreement. He wanted to ask Mark about it, but didn't want to pry. Jinyoung just figured he would tell them when and if he wanted them to know. 

"I still can't believe you're living with me!" Jinyoung exclaimed. He grabbed Jackson's arms and shook them around. 

"Me too," Jackson laughed. "It hasn't quite settled in yet."

"You know what we should do?"


"Study together because we have an exam tomorrow." Jinyoung groaned. Why did tests always have to be on Mondays? 

Jackson shared the sentiment. But they got out their books and headed to Jinyoung's room. They both settled on the bed and laid down next to each other so they could both see the material. 

Not much later, Jinyoung was getting tired. He rested his head on Jackson's shoulder. "Let's do an hour more, and then we can go to sleep, okay?" Jackson told him. Jinyoung nodded. 

Throughout the next hour, Jinyoung did his best to stay awake and study. It mostly worked. By the time the hour was up, he could barely keep his eyes open. Him and Jackson both felt confident for the test, though. 

Jackson turned to tell Jinyoung to get ready for bed, to find him already asleep. He sighed. He slowly got up, trying not to wake his friend, and put all of their study material away. He then threw the blanket on Jinyoung and went to their adjoined bathroom to wash up. 

When he walked back out, he couldn't help but notice how peaceful and innocent Jinyoung looked while asleep. He had obviously seen him asleep before, but it always surprised him. It was so different from his usual calm and cool stare. 

Jackson tore his eyes away from the sleeping form and started rifling through the closet. His room was just down the hallway, but the two were used to sharing clothes. He found a loose fitting t-shirt and stripped down to his boxers. He threw it on quickly and set an alarm before going to lay next to his friend. 

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