Chapter 3

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The more Jinyoung and Jackson were hanging out with Mark, the more they started to develop feelings for him. Mark reciprocated these feelings. But he was confused since he liked two people and didn't know how to deal with that. So he just ignored it.

On a Friday after school the seven friends headed to JB's house to spend the weekend. He had the biggest house and his parents were almost never home so the friends didn't have to worry about bothering them.

Jinyoung knocked on the door. BamBam answered. "Dude you're the last one here! We were just about to do shots!"

Jinyoung rolled his eyes. "Already? It's 4 o'clock. You couldn't have waited?"

"Time is relative man," BamBam responded cheerfully. "And besides, stop being such a mom."

""Umm, it's kinda my job. So shut your mouth before you're grounded!" BamBam ignored him and pulled him inside.

Jinyoung was met with the sight of an already tipsy Jaebum grabbing at Youngjae. Nothing new.

"Alright bitches!! Now that we're all here, what do we wanna do first?" Jackson yelled.

"Use your inside voice!" Jinyoung told him off. He realized this only contributed to the idea that he was the mom of the group. Well, he might as well embrace it.

BamBam spoke up. "Let's do the shots first and then we can play truth or dare."

"Any objections?" Jaebum asked. They all shook their heads. "Alrighty then." He started pouring the vodka.

They were only gonna have one for now because there was a long night of drinking ahead.

Jaebum handed everyone a shot glass and started counting down from three. "3... 2... 1!" They all threw their heads back and swallowed the bitter liquid.

Everyone had a slight reaction except for Youngjae.

"Okay then, I'll start," Jinyoung said with an evil grin. "Yugyeom, truth or dare?"


Jinyoung pouted. He had a really good dare in mind. "Hmm okay, who in this room do you think would be the best kisser?"

"BamBam," he responded, a little too quickly. "Uh, you know, because of his lips haha."

"Whatever, Yugyeom." Mark laughed.

"Truth or dare, Jackson," Yugyeom said.


"Delicious. I dare you to go streaking across the neighborhood."

"Ugh, my neighbors are gonna hate me for this," Jaebum grumbled. But Jackson had already accepted.

The friends gathered on Jaebum's front lawn as Jackson stripped down in the house. The didn't have to wait long before he sprinted out the front door butt ass naked.

He ran all the way around the block and collapsed in a heap, panting. The friends all cackled. It was lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it) that there hadn't seemed to be very many cars.

Once Jackson was clothed again the group moved onto the next dare. Once it had started getting dark outside and the friends were even more drunk, Mark was dared to give Jinyoung a lap dance.

Jinyoung would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to this.

Youngjae turned on the music and Mark was already a deep shade of crimson. Jinyoung tried not to look too excited.

Once Mark started, however, all embarrassment flew out the window and he completely went to town. Jackson was a little jealous, and he wan't exactly sure which of the males he was jealous of.

When the song got over and Mark was finished, Jinyoung had a noticeable-ahem-problem. The friends made him go to another room and continued playing the game until he had taken care of it.

Youngjae suggested that they should move on with the next game. "We're all gay, right?"

A few nods and some murmurs of 'gay as fuck' answered him. "Then let's play spin the bottle!"

"Good idea, Youngjae," BamBam said. So they all sat in a circle and grabbed an empty beer bottle.

"I guess I'll go first." Jaebum spun the bottle. BamBam was horrified when it landed on him. His face scrunched up in disgust. Jaebum didn't look too thrilled either.

The two quickly pecked and BamBam wiped at his mouth with his shirt. "Was it really that bad?" Jaebum asked jokingly.


"Well okay then. You didn't have to say it like that," He pouted.

"Just go back to Youngjae," BamBam retorted. Youngjae quickly pulled his friend back and put his arm around him. The other five smirked at that but the two didn't seem to notice.

Jinyoung went next. The bottle pointed at Jackson. He didn't really know how to feel about that.

Jackson crept closer to him and cupped his face in his hands. They both tenderly leaned in and pressed their lips together. Jackson's lips were so soft and tasted like honey. Jinyoung's tasted like peppermint.

They moved their lips in unison and were completely lost in each other's touch. They had completely forgotten that they had an audience.

Their heads were suddenly pulled out of their asses when Yugyeom ripped them apart. "Jesus Christ!! Get a damn room!"

Everyone else looked kinda shocked at what had just happened. "You know you're only supposed to peck, right?"

Jinyoung's face grew hot. "Alright, moving on!" Jackson shoved the bottle towards Mark.

Mark chuckled slightly but spun it anyway. Looks like BamBam is getting kissed again.

They quickly attached and unattached their lips. Yugyeom had a weird look on his face. Was that... Jealousy?

Youngjae was next and had to kiss Jackson. Jackson then spun and it landed on none other than Double B.

"Nope!! Spin again!" Yugyeom put a protective arm around BamBam. Jackson was gonna object but decided against it. He re-spun and kissed JB instead.

They played a couple more rounds and then got bored so decided to move on to the next game.

"Never have I ever sounds fun," Jinyoung said. There were no disagreements. Questions like 'never have I ever done drugs' and 'never have I ever had a threesome' were asked.

At the end, Yugyeom, Mark, and Jinyoung were the drunkest.

The seven friends decided to call it a night at one in the morning. "I call the couch!" Jinyoung slurred. Everyone else had to sleep on the floor except JB, who obviously slept in his room.

Jinyoung was positive all the others were sound asleep, but he couldn't seem to be that lucky. Thoughts about Jackson and the kiss swarmed his mind that he had been ignoring all night. Why did thinking about it give him butterflies? There was no way he could like his best friend, right?

The more Jinyoung thought about it, the more he realized that he actually did have feelings for him. It scared the shit out of him. And there was that one dream he had.

Well there is absolutely no way he likes me back, he thought. I do have feelings for Mark, too, so maybe I should just focus on that. He definitely flirts with me like I do with him.

When Jinyoung's mind had finally settled down a bit, he drifted off. It was a fitful sleep and was filled with interruptions, but at least he got some rest.

He was going to need it for the rest of the weekend.

A/N: I was half way through typing this and accidentally deleted all of it so that was fun. And also I am so proud of GOT7!! Mark had his solo fan meeting in China that sold out in seconds and Jinyoung had one in Thailand for He is Psychometric! And Jackson's collaboration with Fendi is gonna launch and he's also collabing with rayban! Like they're just out here being successful and shit <33

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