Chapter 7

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Mark was over at Jinyoung's place again to work on their project. They still hadn't discussed their almost kiss, and neither of them planned to. It was still a little awkward between them, but it was mostly back to normal. 

After a couple hours of working, Jinyoung had an idea. "We should invite the others out to ice cream or something. It's been a while since we've hung out outside of school with all seven of us."

"Yeah, good idea," Mark agreed. "I'll text the group chat."

In about a half hour, all seven friends met at the local ice cream shop. It was a favorite among students because it was so convenient and had delicious ice cream. 

"I'll pay for all of you since it was my idea to come," Jinyoung said. The two youngest happily accepted the offer. 

"No, I'll pay," Jaebum countered. 

Jinyoung groaned. "Why are you so stubborn? It wouldn't make sense for you to do it. And I offered first."

"If I want to do it, then let me do it-"

"How about Jinyoung pays for himself, Jackson, and Mark, and JB can pay for his boyfriend and me and Bam," Yugyeom said. 

"Did Yugyeom just say something smart?" Jackson whispered to Mark. Yugyeom glared at the two snickering boys. 

"Does that work for you?" Jinyoung asked JB.

"I guess," Jaebum sighed. 

After all of them ordered, they sat down to wait for their ice creams to come out. "So how is your project going?" Jackson asked Mark and Jinyoung.

"Umm pretty good," Mark answered. 

"No funny business right?" JB laughed. Jackson looked down as if he was thinking about something. But a second later, the expression had passed. 

Mark laughed nervously and then answered with a no. 

"Good. You kids are too young."

"I'm older than you!" Mark laughed. 

"Mm whatever."

"How's you and Youngjae?" Jinyoung interjected with a smug smile. 

""Uh- I-" Jaebum stuttered, looking flustered. 

"That's what I thought." Jinyoung wore that same smug look. 

"Actually it's GREAT," Youngjae said. "He's super sweet and loving to me, and the SEX-" 

'"YOUNGJAE!!!" Jaebum laughed nervously and gave his boyfriend an incredulous look. Youngjae just laughed. He obviously said that just to annoy him. 

Just then the waiter brought over their orders. The group quickly shut up until he went away. 

"Wait hold on. You too are doing it?" BamBam whispered the last part. 

"Umm, I mean, yeah I guess." JB rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Well that was fast," Jackson said. The couple just awkwardly looked at their friends. 

"Enough about our sex life," Jaebum said sternly. 

"Wait who tops?"

"Yugyeom asking the real questions here," Jinyoung said. 

"I SAID ENOUGH ABOUT OUR SEX LIFE!" Everyone laughed at how wound up he was getting. And then they laughed harder when they saw other people in the shop looking at him. JB huffed. 

"So anyway," Mark said. "Jinyoung do you want to try my ice cream?" JB was grateful for the change of conversation. He was going to have to talk to his boyfriend later about bringing that up. 

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