Chapter 9

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"Tell me why I agreed to this," Youngjae groaned. He picked something out of one of Jackson's boxes. He held it away from him and with only two fingers as he inspected the object. "Please tell me these are clean," he said and tossed the pair of underwear at Jackson. 

"Of course they are. And there's no way you're getting out of this. None of you are," Jackson said, turning to the rest of them. 

"Couldn't you have just hired people to help you move in?" Yugyeom complained. 

"No. You guys are willing participants and cost nothing." He smiled sweetly. 

"Umm excuse me, I am very expensive," BamBam retorted, crossing his arms. 

"We know you are," Yugyeom reassured. BamBam pouted. 

"Anyway, it shouldn't be too hard," Jackson said. "I don't have that much stuff. Probably only a couple hours. And then we can all get drinks. On me." 

"Now you're speaking my language," Youngjae grinned. "Let's get this shit over with." The group started unloading everything and taking most of it to Jinyoung's extra room, which was now Jackson's bedroom. 

Mark was struggling with an extra heavy box. "Here, let me help," Jinyoung smiled kindly and grabbed one of the ends of the box. Mark returned the smile and took the other end. They started to make their way over to the elevator. 

"Who pissed you off?" Jaebum said, leaning against a box next to Jackson. Jackson quickly snapped out of it and uncrossed his arms. 

"Nothing, I was just thinking." Jackson was very bad at lying. 

"Dude, you're still glaring. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, okay? Now help me with this box." Jaebum sighed, but did as he was told. 

After about an hour, the group decided to take a break and get something to drink. Jackson, Jinyoung, and Yugyeom had soda, while the rest opted for water. They were all hanging out in Jinyoung's kitchen sipping on their drinks, resting before they had to work again. 

"This is gonna take a lot longer than a couple hours," BamBam said. He glared at Jackson. 

"Well sorry my prediction was wrong." 

BamBam just rolled his eyes. "Jinyoung, get me more water. Pleeeeaase," Mark pouted when Jinyoung gave him a look that said he was not going to do that. 

"Get it yourself, you brat." Jinyoung laughed at his friend. 

"Pleeeeaassseeee???" Mark draped his arms around Jinyoung and hung off of him. When Jinyoung didn't budge, Mark kissed his cheek and continued his act. Various gags could be heard around the kitchen at that. 

Jinyoung scoffed and threw Mark's arms off of him before marching off to get him some more water. He couldn't stop the small smile that crept onto his face as he did it, though. Mark grinned in victory.

Jackson pretended to not have witnessed the whole thing and continued playing on his phone. 

Soon, their break was over and the group continued to unpack. Jinyoung and Mark flirted throughout the whole thing, not realizing that everyone else noticed how they were acting. Especially Jackson, although he pretended not to. 

Once they were done, Jinyoung walked up to Jackson. "You don't know how happy I am we are living together!!" 

Jackson returned the sentiment. "I am so excited. We can do everything together!" He smiled widely. 

"Yeah! And I invited Mark over tomorrow to play some video games with us. It's gonna be fun." 

Jackson's smile faltered slightly. Don't get him wrong, he loved hanging out with both of them and he was looking forward to it. But he wasn't looking forward to third-wheeling. He felt as if Mark was slowly replacing him as Jinyoung's best friend. Or something more. 

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